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February 11-17, 2001

Whereas, February 11-17, 2001, has been declared National Child Passenger Safety Week;

Whereas, In 1998, an average of 7 children from infancy to 14 years of age were killed and 866 were injured every day in motor vehicle crashes;

Whereas, The best thing families can do to safeguard the health and well being of our children is to establish safety habits that set a pattern for safety for the rest of their lives, this week must extend beyond child safety seats, booster seats, and seat belts to include good safety habits for young pedestrians and bicyclists;

Whereas, Parents and guardians must make sure that children age 12 and under always ride in the back seat, buckled up in properly installed child safety seats, and a rear facing child seat should never be placed in the front seat of a motor vehicle equipped with a passenger air bag;

Whereas, Although child passenger protection laws that require proper restraints for younger children and seat belt use by older children exist in every state and the District of Columbia, 31 percent of children under five are still not properly restrained;

Whereas, Families, communities, and states should work with their legislatures to improve the laws and make it easier for police to enforce them, because although some states have upgraded their laws, it is still critical for every state to make sure that all children are well protected;

Whereas, Statistics show nearly one-fourth of all children between the ages of five and nine years who are killed in motor vehicle crashes are pedestrians, and children should be taught the rules for safe walking: looking both ways, walking not running, using crosswalks when crossing the street, and taking extra care when exiting school buses;

Whereas, 70 to 80 percent of fatal bicycle crashes involve head injuries, but if helmets are worn they are more than 85 percent effective in reducing head and brain injuries, and young people should be educated about the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet and practicing safe riding skills;

Now, therefore, I, (name of elected official or organization leader), (title or name of city, county, state or organization), do hereby proclaim our support for National Child Passenger Safety Week, and I urge everyone to help reduce injuries and the tragic loss of life on our highways by buckling up every child in an approved restraint, in the vehicle’s back seat. It is important these lifelong safety rules become habits - patterns for life - as passengers, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Let us all help spread these important child safety messages throughout our communities. By doing so, we can save many lives. I call upon all citizens, government agencies, public and private institutions, businesses, hospitals, and schools in (state or community) to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies.

Issued this_______ day of _________________, 2000




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