Committee on Education and Labor - U.S. House of Representatives

K-12 Education

Committee Passes Measure to Modernize School Buildings

On April 30, the Committee passed the 21st Century High-Performing Public School Facilities Act by a vote of 28-19. The measure would invest in modernizing public school buildings across the country. More »

Committee Reviewing NCLB Discussion Draft Comments

The Committee has received many helpful comments regarding its NCLB discussion draft and is currently in the process of reviewing them.

Chairman Miller Delivers Major Address on NCLB

Chairman Miller on NCLB: Maintain Accountability in Schools and Make the Law Fair, Flexible, and Funded: On July 30, in a speech at the National Press Club, Chairman George Miller said that, while the nation must maintain its commitment to the goals of the No Child Left Behind law of closing the academic achievement gap and helping all children learn by holding states and schools accountable for students� academic progress, we must also make significant changes to the law in order to reach those goals. Miller highlighted six features he will focus on during reauthorization, including fairness and flexibility for schools, a rich and challenging curriculum, support for teachers and principals, school accountability, steps to turn around low-performing middle and high schools, and greater investments to achieve the law's goals.
More on the six key features»
Read Chairman Miller's speech »

Strengthening America's Middle Class

Five decades after Brown v. Board of Education, we still do not offer all children the same educational opportunities. In addition to the achievement gap between low-income and minority children and their peers, American students suffer from a second kind of achievement gap when compared globally. Across income and background levels in math and science, our children go from among the top students in the world in the fourth grade to near the bottom by the twelfth grade. We have one of the highest dropout rates in the world.bus

The Committee on Education and Labor is working to close the achievement gap so all children are able to get the skills they need to succeed. In 2002, Democrats helped pass bipartisan legislation, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. Since then, the Bush administration bungled early implementation of this law. With the President's last budget proposal, the law was underfunded by $55 billion. The Committee will work to narrow the funding gap, ensuring that every child can get the education he or she deserves.

Miller, Bloomberg Discuss NCLB Reauthorization

busCongressman George Miller and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg met in the U.S. Capitol Monday, February 12, 2007, to discuss school reforms in New York and the upcoming reauthorization of No Child Left Behind.


Bush Administration Underfunds K-12

Analysis by the Committee on Education and Labor Democrats shows that the Bush administration has consistently underfunded the American education system. More »