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A Welcome From The Commissioner ...
Agriculture Logo Welcome to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry's webpage. It's an honor for our agency to be the leading source of information on the state's finest industry and the people it serves. Historically, Oklahoma agriculture has meant cattle and wheat to most people — and rightfully so. We're the fifth largest cattle producing state in the nation and the third largest producer of wheat.

But Oklahoma agriculture in the 21st century is much more than beef and wheat. Crops and livestock that were once relatively small in terms of production have grown dramatically in recent years. For example, poultry and swine, respectively, are our second and third largest agricultural industries and Oklahoma is now one of the top states in their production.

From the arid High Plains of the panhandle to the forests of southeastern Oklahoma, there aren't many North American crops not grown in our state. Fields of wheat and corn are next-door neighbors to vineyards and organically grown specialty crops. And while many people continue to view Oklahoma as one of the Plains States, we have over 6 million acres of commercial timber production, which contributes over $1.5 billion to our economy each year.

Agriculture has changed to meet demand and the realities of modern economics but farmers markets and marketing cooperatives still let consumers meet the folks who grow their food face-to-face. The future of agriculture will require a new vision as we face evolving technologies and demands. The role agriculture plays is ever changing in the areas of production and environmental demands. The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry is excited about these challenges and are addressing them with zeal and enthusiasm.

Terry L. Peach,
Commissioner of Agriculture