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Catalog of OMG Specifications

This page provides a catalog of OMG specifications. Specifications are listed alphabetically within categories derived from the OMG's Model Driven Architecture and existing specifications. Specification entries in the Catalog are created upon submission adoption by the OMG Board of Directors and when FTF activity begins in earnest. Specification entries are updated when the Board adopts F/RTF Reports and when formal publication occurs. The following table summarizes the specifications in their various editing phases (noted as working documents) associated with technology adoption event that triggers it.

Working document Process event
<version number> Alpha specification A proposed specification (called a Revised Submission) which has been adopted by the OMG Board of Directors.
<version number> Beta specification The Alpha specification as it moves through its finalization prior to formal publication. There are several Beta specifications. <version number> Beta 1 represents the Alpha specification with all non-normative sections called out by the RFP removed by the OMG Technical Editor and reviewed by the submitters (formerly called the Final Adopted Specification). The Beta 1 specification serves as the baseline document for a FTF and becomes the document against which all issues are filed. <version number> Beta 2 represents the end product (finalized specification) of the FTF (formerly called the Proposed Available Specification). A <version number> Beta 3 specification is the document used in final author review. If a 2nd FTF is chartered, the Beta 2 specification serves as its input and its output is designated <version number> Beta 3. The author review document for a 2nd FTF is <version number> Beta 4.
Version 1.0 or x.0 1.0 is the formal publication of first release of the specification. x.0 is the formal publication of a major revision to the specification.
Version x.y RTF begins. This is the baseline document, formally published, for a  RTF and the document against which issues are filed.
<version x.y+1> Beta 1 specification

RTF report completed and adoption vote underway. There may be more than one beta, labeled <version number> Beta n, if the RTF issues more than one report. This document was formerly called the Proposed Available Revision. If only one document produced, it is designated <version number> Beta 1. The author review document for a RTF is <version number> Beta 2 (assuming only one report).

Version x.y+1 Formal publication of a minor revision to the specification.
Description of Catalog Entries

Click here for a description of each entry field for specifications catalogued.


Attention arrow- right A summary of all of all OMG specifications either published or 
about to be published is available here. This summary also lists the acronyms used to locate the directory structure on the OMG document server that serves as the "home" for all documents related to that specification.

Business Modeling Specifications
Middleware Specifications

NOTE: With the release of CORBA 3.0, the following specifications were removed from the core specification and became stand-alone documents.

 Real-time CORBA  These documents are located in the Specifications Catalog under the
 Specialized CORBA Specifications category.
 Minimum CORBA

Includes CORBA/e and Realtime and Embedded Systems

Language Mappings
Modeling and Metadata Specifications
Modernization Specifications
Platform Independent Model (PIM), Platform Specific Model (PSM) and Interface Specifications
NOTE: The OMG Telecommunications activity has moved to the Platform Technology Committee. Those Telecoms specifications that are CORBA-specific can be found under CORBA/IIOP Specifications. Those that are more domain-specific remain under this category.

Edited by Fred Waskiewicz on 09/04/2008