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Current OMG Technology Adoption Processes Under Way
Last updated: Wednesday, 05-Nov-2008 16:37:33 EST

Specifications which have been approved by the OMG membership are available to everyone, but only OMG members have access to specifications under development. This page lists OMG Request processes for technology submissions which are open to both members and the general public for comment or response. For more information on the OMG technology adoption process, please see the Process Technology FAQ.

Please note that the actual Request documents are freely available; simply click on the document number below to get the document in several different formats. However, the internal mechanics of the OMG process are available only to members by clicking on the process name.

A catalog of our published specifications is available here. If you're interested in learning more about the OMG and the benefits of becoming a member, please contact our Business Development staff.

Pending Requests for Comments:

CORBA Binding for WSDL RFC (document mars/2008-09-15)
Ruby CORBA Language Mapping RFC (document mars/2008-09-16)
UPDATED UPDM RFC Requirements Traceability OMG Document (document c4i/2008-09-01)
UPDM Profile RFC List of Requirements (document c4i/2008-08-01)
UPDM XMI Document for UML (document c4i/2008-08-03)
Updated UPDM Profile submission with errata c4i/2008-08-12 applied (document c4i/2008-08-13)

Pending Requests for Information:

Automated Software Testing RFI (document c4i/2008-06-09)
Business Security and Authorization Policy Modeling RFI (document bmi/2008-03-13)
Data Tagging and Labeling for Security and Privacy RFI (document omg/2007-09-04)
Dynamic Business Activity Models RFI (document bmi/2008-03-03)
Information Transformation Services RFI (document mars/2007-09-15)
Ontology and Vocabulary Management Information RFI (document ontology/2008-03-02)
Transliteration and Transcription Services RFI (document mars/2007-09-14)
UML Profile for XBRL Global Ledger (GL) Framework RFI (document finance/2008-05-01)
Value Delivery Modeling RFI (document bmi/2008-06-03)

Pending Requests for Proposals:

Agent Metamodel and Profile (AMP) RFP (document ad/2008-09-05)
Analysis Package RFP (document admtf/2007-12-10)
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0 RFP (document bmi/2007-06-05)
Concrete Syntax for a UML Action Language RFP (document ad/2008-09-09)
DDS for (Light-Weight) CORBA Component Model RFP (document mars/2006-02-17)
Date-Time Foundation Vocabulary RFP (document bmi/2008-03-02)
Decision Support Service RFP (document health/2007-03-01)
Diagram Definition RFP (document ad/2007-09-02)
Entity Identification Service RFP (document health/2006-12-01)
Event Metamodel and Profile (EMP) RFP (document ad/2008-09-15)
Extensible and Dynamic Topic Types for DDS RFP (document mars/2008-06-22)
GIOP Compression RFP (document mars/2007-06-10)
High-Assurance ORB RFP (document realtime/2004-02-14)
Information Management Metamodel (IMM) RFP (document ab/2005-12-02)
Information Models for Property and Casualty Insurance RFP (document finance/2007-06-07)
Lightweight Fault Tolerance for Distributed Real-Time Systems RFP (document realtime/2006-06-06)
MDA Models for Electronic Records Management Services RFP (document gov/2006-06-11)
MDA Tool Component RFP (document ad/2006-06-09)
MOF Support for Semantic Structures RFP (document ad/2006-06-08)
Native C++ Language DDS PSM RFP (document mars/2008-03-04)
Naval Navigation System Interface RFP (document c4i/2007-12-01)
Organization Structure Metamodel (OSM) RFP (document bei/2004-06-05)
PIM and PSM for Digital Intermediate Frequency Interface RFP (document sbc/2004-08-15)
Platform Independent and Platform Specific Model for Mobile Ad-hoc Networking RFP (document sbc/2007-12-04)
Reference Models of Business Processes for Financial Services RFP (document finance/2007-03-05)
Retrieve, Locate, and Update Service (RLUS) RFP (document health/2006-12-02)
Robotic Localization Service RFP (document robotics/2007-06-25)
SOPES IEDM RFP (document c4i/2004-06-27)
Semantics of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models RFP (document ad/2005-04-02)
Space System Monitor and Control Service RFP (document space/2004-06-08)
Spacecraft Operations Language Metamodel RFP (document space/2005-06-01)
SwA Evidence Metamodel RFP (document swa/2007-09-03)
TACSIT Controller Service RFP (document c4i/2007-06-16)
UML Profile and Metamodel for Services (UPMS) RFP (document soa/2006-09-09)
UML Profile for Advanced and Integrated Telecommunication Services RFP (document mars/2008-06-09)

Current Specification Revision Processes (available to members only:

2nd CWM 1.2 RTF
2nd Lw Load Balancing (LW-LDB) FTF
2nd Model-Level Testing and Debugging FTF
2nd PLM Services V2.0 FTF
2nd UML Profile for MARTE FTF
Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodel 1.0 (ASTM) FTF
Ada Language Mapping 1.3 RTF
Alerts Management Service 1.0 (ALMAS) FTF
Conversion Model FTF
Data Distribution Interoperability 2.1 RTF
Data Distribution RTF 3
Federal Transition Framework (FTF) RTF V 1.1
Ground Equipment Monitoring Service 1.0 (GEMS) FTF
Lw Load Balancing FTF
MOF 2 Core RTF
MOF 2.0 Facility and Object Lifecycle FTF
MOF Model to Text RTF 1.1
Model Driven Message Interoperability (MDMI) FTF 2
Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) 1.1 RTF
PIM & PSM for SWRadio RTF2
PLM Services 2.1 RTF
PLM Services V2.0 FTF
# (automatically inserted in format file) # (insert descriptive text between the #process and #endprocess lines)

Robotic Localization Service 1.0 (RLS) FTF
Semantics of a Foundational Subset of Executable UML Models FTF
Smart Antenna FTF
Software Metrics Metamodel (SMM) FTF
SysML 1.2 RTF
UML Profile for DDS (UML4DDS) FTF
Voice RTF 1.1
XMI for MOF 2 (XMI 2.1) RTF
XML Telemetric & Command Exchange Format 1.2 (XTCE) RTF
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