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About the Object Management Group™ (OMG™)

OMG has been an international, open membership, not-for-profit computer industry consortium since 1989. Any organization may join OMG and participate in our standards-setting process. Our one-organization-one-vote policy ensures that every organization, large and small, has a effective voice in our process. Our membership includes hundreds of organizations, with half being software end-users in over two dozen vertical markets, and the other half representing virtually every large organization in the computer industry and many smaller ones. Most of the organizations that shape enterprise and Internet computing today are represented on our Board of Directors.

OMG Task Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of technologies, including: Real-time, Embedded and Specialized Systems, Analysis & Design, Architecture-Driven Modernization and Middleware and an even wider range of industries, including: Business Modeling and Integration, C4I, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Legal Compliance, Life Sciences Research, Manufacturing Technology, Robotics, Software-Based Communications and Space.

OMG’s modeling standards, including the Unified Modeling Language™ (UML®) and Model Driven Architecture® (MDA®), enable powerful visual design, execution and maintenance of software and other processes, including IT Systems Modeling and Business Process Management. OMG’s middleware standards and profiles are based on the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA®) and support a wide variety of industries.

The requirements document that initiates each OMG standard-setting activity (the Request for Proposal) and other key documents are available for viewing by anyone, member or not. Email discussion, meeting attendance, and voting are restricted to members; though prospective members are invited to attend a meeting or two as a guest observer.

Dozens of standards organizations and other consortia maintain liaison relationships with OMG. OMG is an ISO PAS submitter, able to submit our specifications directly into ISO’s fast-track adoption process. OMG’s UML, MOF™ and Interface Definition Language (IDL™) standards are already ISO standards and ITU-T recommendation.

OMG is also the Event Producer for the Internationalization & Unicode Conferences. OMG has been producing events for fifteen years and provides a full range of conference management services and expertise—from conference development, production and support to targeted messaging and media promotion. OMG’s proven team of in-house staff and contract service providers have years of experience organizing, producing and managing large-scale events including Object World, EclipseCon, the OSDL Enterprise Linux Summit and now the Internationalization & Unicode Conference. In addition, OMG currently produces four OMG Technical Meetings, and nine conferences and workshops every year for its members, in locations around the world.

For information about joining OMG, please visit

Last updated on 11/09/2007

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