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Program Management Systems Committee



August 12-13, 2008
Renaissance Washington, DC
999 Ninth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005


Please contact Ruth Franklin rfranklin@ndia.org for details.



  • Updated Charter for the PMSC (PDF)

  • Application Guide (PDF) The primary objective of this guide is to describe for all organizations implementing ANSI/EIA 748-A (Earned Value Management Systems) the importance of planning the Earned Value Management application through all phases of the acquisition life cycle.  This guide, produced by the NDIA Program Management Systems Committee, is the March 2007 working release for use and comment.  Contact point:  Walter Berkey, walt.berkey@lmco.com.
  • System Acceptance Guide (PDF)

  • EIA-748-A, June 2007 (DOC) These revisions are in response to changes occurring within the following three categories and have been developed with the direct participation by representatives of DoD, DCMA, FAA and NASA.   The Department of Homeland Security, General Services Administration, Department of Energy, Social Security Administration, Department of Treasury, Health and Human Services, Department of Interior, Environmental Protection Agency and Veterans Administration participated in the review of the recommended revisions as part of the NDIA PMSC approval process.

    1. Revisions reflecting the DoD EVM Policy effective March 2005 which eliminated the CSSR report, established EVM application thresholds at $20M and DCMA validation at $50M resulted in removal of the terms C/SCSC and CSSR.  Also a need for clarification in Sections 4 and 5 for a better understanding of System Documentation and System Evaluation. 
    2. Revisions reflecting EVM being added to the FAR effective July 2006 which required all Federal Agencies to manage their programs using EVM for internal work and contracted work resulted in the need to remove DoD terminology and replaced with words that will be recognized by the Federal Agencies.  Such as using ‘organization’ in place of contractor and company; ‘Program and Project’ in place of contract; and ‘Planned Value” in addition to BCWS, ‘Actual Cost’ in addition to ACWP, and ‘Earned Value’ in addition to BCWP.   
    1. Clarifications focused on integration and correction of inconsistencies included higher level accounts used in guideline 2.2.c), performance measurement flow down for internal organization and subcontract work, use of estimated actual cost, integration of risk management with EVM and recording earned value for material concurrent with material consumption.  

    The revisions addressed in the above summary have been identified by the use of yellow highlighting in the attached file for ease of identification by the reader from text that has not been revised.  They also reflect the adjudication of comments received during the GEIA ballot activity. Contact point:  Walter Berkey, walt.berkey@lmco.com.

  • Earned Value Management System Standard Equivalence Agreement (PDF)
    The NDIA Program Management Systems Committee has signed an equivalence agreement with its counterpart in
    Great Britain, the Association for Project Management.  In this agreement, the two organizations recognize the equivalence of their respective EVMS documents in contracts, partnering agreements, and other applicable business transactions.  The agreement, which took effect on July 1, 2004, remains in effect until either group provides written notification to the other of an intention to withdraw.

  • Surveillance Guide (PDF)
    Contractors and the government are encouraged to use this guide for the implementation of EVMS surveillance in accordance with the American National Standards Institute/Electronic Industry Alliance (ANSI/EIA) standard 748, latest revision.

  • NDIA & PMSC Earned Value Management Intent Guide (PDF) Updated November 2006
    Created by the NDIA Program Management Systems Committee to promote a clearer understanding of the Standard.  For each of the 32 guidelines, the Intent Guide provides:  the value to management, an intent statement, typical attributes, and examples of objective evidence. Constructive edits to this draft guide are welcome.  Please contact Peter A. Wynne (peter.a.wynne@lmco.com) or David Kester (david.kester@dcma.mil)

  • Integrating Risk Management with Earned Value Management (PDF)
    A paper summarizing a study of the current status of the integration of risk management with earned value management that was conducted the National Defense Industrial Association Program Management Systems Committee's Risk Management Working Group.  This study utilized a survey to determine what program managers are doing and thinking about both Earned Value Management (EVM) and Risk Management (RM), whether they are integrating these two processes and, if so, how they are integrating them, and what they perceive as barriers to process integration.  The survey was hosted by the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) and was conducted on-line during the period October 2003 through June of 2004.  The survey results, which are presented in this paper, were subsequently compiled and analyzed and have resulted in a number of recommendations for further work necessary to improve the integration of RM with EVM.  The working group’s recommendations are also presented in this paper.

  • Meeting Minutes
    Please contact Ruth Franklin at (703) 247-2598 or e-mail rfranklin@ndia.org for details on how to access meeting minutes online.

2007 Action Plan

I.    Objectives

Continue to enhance the forum for building strong government and industry working relationships to promote and communicate Integrated Program Management using Earned Value Management processes, to fully achieve the Industry Ownership and to provide management value for both Industry and Government.  This includes the civilian agencies now implementing the EVMS guidelines under recent initiatives in the Office of Management & Budget (OMB).


Sponsor the use of Earned Value Management Systems as an integration tool for visibility into technical, schedule and cost progress for the mutual benefit of industry and government, both in Government and Commercial environments.


Support the maintenance of an ANSI/EIA Standard-748 (Guidelines for Earned Value Management Systems), PMSC Guides, and PMSC Agreements as a common reference for management, suitable for all projects and programs in both government and industry.


Participate with International counterparts, as opportunities permit, to jointly move toward EVM Standards (including ANSI/EIA 748) that are common to the extent practical.


II.   Organization


  • Committee (3 to 4 times per year)
  • NDIA/SCEA/PMI – CPM Integrated Program Management Conference (Fall)
  • PPC Coordination Meeting (As Required)
  • DCMA Annual Workshop (Spring)
  • DCMA/DCAA/Industry Cross-talk Meeting (2 times per year – Summer/Winter)
  • ASC Industry Cost and Schedule Working Group (2 times per year)
  • PMI-CPM Conference (Spring)
  • Civilian Agency EVMS CoEye (TBD)

Work Teams Active:

  • ANSI/EIA-748 Current Version (Industry Guidelines for EVMS) as required
  • Joint Government/Industry EVM Working Group – focusing on Industry input to the revised OSD EVM Policy and related DIDs, including interpretation and guidance.
  • ANSI/EIA 748 Intent Guide – publish and maintain the explanations as to the purpose and attributes expected for ANSI/EIA 748 compliance.
  • Risk Management
  • Cost and Schedule data exchange requirements (UN/CEFACT XML schemas)
  • Independent Party EVMS Validation
  • Subcommittees to maintain existing published guides
  • Exploring the feasibility of three new teams
    1. Scheduling
    2. EVM for service type contracts (application and tailoring recommendations)
    3. Contract/Subcontract issues



Special Interest Topics:

  • ANSI/EIA 748, Earned Value Management System
  • Company/Corporate Advance Agreements
  • Characteristics of EVMS compliance using existing industry practices
  • Characteristics of Surveillance/ Problem Resolution Processes
  • The OMB/ Civilian Agency and Military Integration of EVMS Issues
  • Contract Cost Data Report (CCDR)
  • Contractor/DCMA Partnering
  • DOD 50002-R and EVM related Government documents - re-write/ replacement, including interim guidance
  • DOD Acquisition Guide
  • OSD Risk Management Guide
  • Clearing house
  • Contracting for EVM
  • Global EVM communications
  • COEYE Civilian Agency EVM groups
  • Integrated Baseline Reviews (IBR) process and the IBR Guide
  • Development of XML standard
  • Non-contractual Applications of EVM concepts
  • Integrated Program Management
    • Risk Management and EVMS
    • Cost estimating and EVMS
  • IMP/IMS and other Schedule Processes
  • Single Process Initiatives
  • Subcontract Project Management & relationships/subcontract integration
  • The Proliferation of EVMS Reviews
  • Training (both EVMS and integrated program management)




During 2007, the Program Management Systems Committee will continue to provide value to the membership as they address EVMS ownership in partnership with the Government.  This will be achieved through Committee meetings addressing the current program management issues across the industry, address clearing house issues, working group reports, and special interest topics.  Meetings are planned to draw a broad industry-government representation (e.g. currently DOD [i.e. OSD, DCMA, and Services], Intel, NASA, OMB, DOE, GSA, FAA and other civilian agencies).  Current working groups reflect the priorities of the active membership.


In 2007, a key focus of the Committee will continue to be addressing the OSD and OMB EVMS initiatives.  The FAR EVM clause was released mid-2006, causing every agency to start implementing EVM.  NDIA PMSC will take a leadership role in advising, and working with the government on these efforts. 


The PMSC will also maintain the EVMS Industry Guides and agreements published by the Committee.  These documents will periodically review for adequacy and disposition of any proposed changes.  This includes:

  1. ANSI/EIA 748 Current Version, Guidelines for EVMS
  2. NDIA PMSC ANSI EIA 748 Intent Guide
  3. Program Managers Guide to the Integrated Baseline Review
  4. NDIA PMSC Surveillance Guide
  5. Earned Value Management Systems Standards Equivalency Agreement between NDIA PMSC and APM (Association for Project Management [UK])
  6. EVMS Application Guide
  7. System Acceptance Guide

As the Civilian Agencies within OMB continue to enter the EVMS arena, the PMSC will work with OMB leadership and with current/ existing civilian agency customers to promote the ANSI/ EIA 748 guidelines to ensure consistency of requirements throughout the federal government.


The PMSC Membership will seek to increase Industry participation in our Committee Meeting and Working Groups by recruiting people new to the EVM discipline, as well as experienced EVM practitioners.


Committee members will continue to support the Integrated Program Management Fall Conference, the PMI-CPM Spring Conference, the DCMA Conference, and other selected Conferences and EV Workshops, by providing topics and speakers, as appropriate.


The PMSC will continue to support the DOD/Industry CCDR Focus Group to improve the CCDR and requirements placed into contracts, including the new emphasis on deliverable software.


The Committee will continue to use the working group approach to address new initiatives or special topics identified by the Committee membership.  All EVMS actions taken by the Committee are communicated to government agencies either through the DOD Executive Agent or established clearinghouse communication channels, or directly with an Agency’s EVM contact, as appropriate.


Interactions with PMI – College of Performance Management (CPM) and the Society of Cost Engineering and Analysis (SCEA) will include activities and subjects of mutual benefit.  Efforts will continue to develop interfaces with Canadian, Australian, Swedish, the United Kingdom and other counterparts as opportunities permit to jointly improve the use of Earned Value Management and move globally towards EVM standards that are common, to the extent practical.


2007 Meeting Schedule





30 Jan – 1 Feb 2007

Jupiter, FL

Pratt Whitney

24-26 April, 2007

Baltimore, MD

Northrop Grumman

August, 2007

Fairfax, VA

General Dynamics

November, 2007

DC Area, VA



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