U.S. Department of Energy EPSCoR

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   Recent DOE EPSCoR News!
Use the links provided above to navigate the DOE EPSCoR web site.  The items shown on this page highlight the most recent events and announce future DOE EPSCoR activities.


February 20, 2008

EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnership Awards, FY 2008  -- update

The award selection is occurring in two groups. The first group of awardees will be notified individually by February 29, 2008. The second group of awardees will be notified in March, 2008 after receipt of peer review comments. A formal announcement of all awards under the EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnerships for FY 2008 will be posted at the time of the second group of awards.

February 1, 2008

Our best wishes to Kristin Bennett from her DOE and EPSCoR colleagues as she leaves DOE.


January 7, 2008

EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnership Awards, FY 2008 

Eighty full applications are under review.  Selections will be made and new awards will be announced at the end of January 2008.


October 15, 2007

Eligibility Criteria: Tennessee became eligible again for participation in the DOE EPSCoR program October 5, 2007.  Please see the new EPSCoR Eligibility Criteria Table for FY 2007.


October 8, 2007

DOE EPSCoR Implementation Awards (FY 2008 funding).  Issue Date: 10/04/2007.  Subject to Congressional authorization and approval of funds in FY 2008, DOE anticipates an estimated $1.0 million will be available for awards to fund federal-state partnership research awards that will improve the capability of the designated state or territory to conduct sustainable and nationally competitive energy-related research.  Applications are sought for the improvement of the state’s academic research infrastructure in key science and technology energy-related areas as identified by the state’s EPSCoR governing committee. Awards under this program are meant to support a group of scientists and researchers working on a common scientific theme across the state, and are not appropriate mechanisms to provide support for individual faculty science and technology research projects. States eligible for this Notice are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Kansas, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Wyoming, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin IslandsThe Notice supports research activities spanning the range of science and technology programs within DOE Program Offices.  Approximately one or two awards are anticipated in FY 2008 with a maximum award level of $750,000 per year for a period of up to three years, and with option for renewal for another three years.  Awards under this Notice will be announced on or about June 15, 2008.  Continuation and renewal funding for the awards will be contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds, research progress and reporting, and continuing programmatic need.  Due dates are:
     •  Pre-application to DOE:  NOT REQUIRED
     •  Full applications:  January 25, 2008, 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (submit to Grants.gov)
  Application Information:

     • Office of Science Notice DE-PS02-08ER08-04   Notice & supplementary information



DOE EPSCoR Annual Meeting July 23-25, 2007, Golden, CO (DOE EPSCoR State/National Laboratory Program Review Workshop 2007).  Proceedings are now viewable http://www.orau.gov/epscor2007/proceedings.htm. All presentation files may be viewed here.

EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnership Awards, FY 2008 Preapplications are now CLOSED. Those principal investigators encouraged to submit full proposals will be notified by 8:00 pm Eastern Time, June 8, 2007.  All investigators will be notified of encouragement or discouragement.  


DOE EPSCoR State/National Laboratory Program Review Workshop 2007:

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is pleased to host the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Program Review Workshop on July 23-25, 2007, in Golden, Colorado. The workshop is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Science Foundation (NSF).

  • Abstract Deadline: July 16, 2007  Principal investigators; state and facility directors; postdoctoral researchers; and undergraduate and graduate students involved with EPSCoR grants are invited to submit one abstract per project.

  • Registration and Reservation Deadline: July 13, 2007  All attendees and speakers should register for the workshop. Register at: EPSCoR 2007 State and National Meeting.

    The theme of this workshop is Renewable Energies for a Global Economy. As the global economy grows, so too does the world’s need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Now is the time to mobilize the abundant scientific and technological resources embodied in our national laboratories and universities to perform the fundamental research so critical to the development of renewable energy technologies. A primary goal of this workshop is to identify strategic, innovative partnerships to advance the nation as a world leader in this area of research and development. This meeting is open to and encourages the participation of faculty, researchers, staff and students from colleges and universities; researchers and user-facility coordinators from national laboratories; EPSCoR representatives; and policy and industry leaders. Participants will learn tools for implementing successful state-national laboratory collaborative projects and creating student training opportunities. Although the theme is renewable energy, the workshop will span the range of EPSCoR’s interdisciplinary research areas—basic energy sciences, computational science, genomics, and defense programs, for example.
    Lodging for the workshop is available at the Marriott Denver West Hotel in Golden, Colorado. To make reservations, please contact the hotel directly at 1-800-228-9290 and ask for the EPSCoR group rate.

Implementation Awards, FY 2008.  The Financial Assistance Notice is anticipated to be issued in August for anticipated FY 2008 funding (more information).


EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnership Awards, FY 2008  The DOE Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) received 197 preapplications in response to FY 2007 Office of Science Notice 07-15 Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR); Building EPSCoR-State National Laboratory Partnerships.  Each of these submissions will be independently reviewed and ranked (by number) by at least three DOE program managers and two National Laboratory program managers and a state coordinator. Two criteria will be used in this review process: i) whether the proposed activities represented DOE Research, and ii) whether the proposed research was responsive to the specific research goals described in the Notice.  Based on the recommendations of DOE and National Laboratory program mangers and state coordinators, it is anticipated that approximately 50% of the principal investigators will be encouraged to submit full proposals. There is no appeal process for discouraged preapplications, nor is there any additional guidance/information that we can provide regarding discouragements.  According to the rules set forth in the Notice, discouraged preapplications cannot be used to submit full proposals.  Email messages informing the principal investigator of the encouragement or discouragement of a full proposal will be sent prior to June 4, 2007.  DOE anticipates an estimated $1.5 million will be available in FY 2008 to these awards.  Due date for required full formal applications was July 16, 2007 (more information).


EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnership Awards, FY 2008  Preapplications are now CLOSED. Those principal investigators encouraged to submit full proposals were notified by June 4, 2007.  See news above. 


Implementation Awards, FY 2007.  DOE announced awards on March 28, 2007 (DOE Press Release)


DOE EPSCoR | SC-22.2/Germantown Building | Room F-406 | U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20585-1290 | 301/903-4269 | FAX: 301/903-9513
http://www.sc.doe.gov/bes/EPSCoR | epscor@science.doe.gov