U.S. Department of Energy EPSCoR

About EPSCoR        How to Apply        Research Areas        Manage Your Grant        Staff Directories

   DOE Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research

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The Department of Energy's Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DOE EPSCoR) is a federal-state partnership program designed to help the Department lead the world in meeting today's and tomorrow's energy needs through increased competition in energy-related research and development across the entire nation.  The program supports DOE's overarching mission of advancing the national, economic, and energy security of the United States, by promoting scientific and technological innovation uniquely to designated EPSCoR states and territories. The mission of DOE EPSCoR is to support basic research activities spanning the broad range of science and technology programs within DOE, and to increase the number of scientists and engineers in energy-related areas. DOE EPSCoR manages a research portfolio that supports fundamental research programs in basic energy sciences, biological and environmental sciences, computational science, materials and chemical sciences, climate change, geosciences, genomics, life sciences, defense programs and science education.  Recent News


Hot links:

 Workshops    Budget     Progress Reports     EPSCoR State/Lab Contacts      Active Awards

How to Apply

• Information about (1) Implementation Grants, and (2) EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnership Grants.  • Application procedures and links to open solicitation notices.  • Information about future funding opportunities.  • Closed solicitation notices and past award announcements.  • Communications with DOE.

Research Areas

• Descriptions of  research areas supported by DOE EPSCoR.   • DOE Research Programs • Abstracts of projects and list of awardees.  • DOE EPSCoR budgets.  • Examples of DOE EPSCoR accomplishments.

Manage Your Grant

• DOE requirements for EPSCoR awardees.  • Annual progress reporting instructions and forms.  •  Final reporting instructions and forms.  • Highlights and abstract submissions.

Staff Directories

• DOE Program Manager & Program Administrators.  • DOE phone directory.  • Contacts at DOE program offices.  • Chicago Office contact. • EPSCoR-States.

Overview. Positioned within the Office of Science at DOE, DOE EPSCoR assists the Office as the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States by supporting basic and applied research and development across a wide range of interdisciplinary program areas including: Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Basic Energy Sciences, Biological and Environmental Research, Fusion Energy Sciences, High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics. Through two principal funding mechanisms Implementation Grants and EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnership Grants, the goals of DOE EPSCoR are three fold: a) improve the capability of designated states and territories to conduct sustainable and nationally competitive energy-related research; b) jumpstart infrastructure development in designated states and territories through increased human and technical resources, training scientists and engineers in energy-related areas; and c) build beneficial relationships of designated states and territories with the 10 world-class laboratories managed by the Office of Science, leveraging DOE national user facilities and intellectual collaboration.  Through broadened participation DOE EPSCoR seeks to provide the most comprehensive network of energy-related research across the nation. DOE EPSCoR supports an average annual budget request of approximately $8 million per year with Notices for funding opportunities bi-annually.

As the lead agency within the Federal-wide EPSCoR effort, each year National Science Foundation NSF EPSCoR office compiles summary data for the preceding three years of NSF research funding by state and establishes a list of designated EPSCoR States and territories. DOE EPSCoR follows the NSF EPSCoR jurisdiction tables (more information). States and territories eligible for DOE EPSCoR support have historically received lesser amounts of federal research and development funding.  Twenty-four states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands currently participate in the DOE program: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. (Links to DOE EPSCoR web sites).


Only one Implementation Grant per state or territory is permitted at a time.
Only one application per individual is permitted at a time.
Individuals* currently receiving DOE EPSCoR or DOE funds are not eligible to apply.
*See How to Apply for definition of Individuals.

Award Mechanisms.  DOE EPSCoR sponsors two types of grants:  (1) Implementation Grants and (2) EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnership Grants.  Implementation grants are for a maximum period of six years with an initial grant period of three years. Maximum funding for Implementation Grants is $750,000 per year. Fifty percent state matching funds are required.  The EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnership Grants are for a maximum period of three years.  Maximum funding for these grants is $150,000 per year.  Ten percent state matching funds are required. (How to apply)


Program Priorities.  DOE EPSCoR is a science-driven, merit-based program that supports basic research activities spanning the broad range of science and technology programs within DOE.  In addition, the program places high priority on increasing the number of scientists and engineers in energy-related areas.  The program places particular emphasis and importance of collaboration with young faculty, postdoctoral associates, graduate and undergraduate students with scientists from the DOE national laboratories where unique scientific and technical capabilities are present.  The program supports the most meritorious proposals based on merit and peer review.  To maximize the effectiveness of the program, the development of the science and engineering resources component is closely coupled with the basic research part of the program.  Workshops and discussions are regularly held with representative scientists from EPSCoR states to acquaint them with the user facilities, centers of excellence, and personnel at the national laboratories.


Program Areas.  DOE EPSCoR addresses research needs across all of the Department of Energy's missions. The work supported by the EPSCoR program supports basic research activities spanning the broad range of science and technology programs within DOE, and includes but is not limited to research in: materials science and engineering, chemical science, biological and environmental science, geoscience, high energy and nuclear physics, fusion energy science, advanced computer science, fossil energy science, and energy efficiency and renewable energy science, climate change, genomics, life sciences, defense programs and science education. This program strives to engage other programs within the Department of Energy by encouraging participation by program managers from other offices in the review processes and the co-funding of the successful proposals.  (Research areas)


EPSCoR Origins.  DOE EPSCoR is a merit-based program based on the National Science Foundation's EPSCoR, which was founded in FY 1979 to broaden the geographical distribution of federal funding of academic research and development.  The success of the NSF EPSCoR program led to EPSCoR-like programs in other federal agencies (DOD, DOE, EPA, NASA, NIH, USDA).  DOE EPSCoR was originally established in FY 1991 within DOE's University and Science Education program by the Energy Policy Act of 1992, Public Law 102-486, Title XXII, Sec. 2203(b)(3).  DOE EPSCoR was transferred to DOE's Basic Energy Sciences program in November 1995 with the passage of the FY 1996 Energy and Water Development Appropriations.  The multi-agency programs are coordinated by the EPSCoR Interagency Coordinating Committee (EICC).

More Information.  Please contact the DOE EPSCoR Program Manager or see staff directories.


DOE EPSCoR | SC-22.2/Germantown Building | Room F-406 | U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20585-1290 | 301/903-4269 | FAX: 301/903-9513
http://www.sc.doe.gov/bes/EPSCoR | epscor@science.doe.gov