NOAA Fisheries
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Social Sciences Branch

The Sociocultural and Economic Survey Initiative

NOAA Fisheries

Winter Flounder, from

Historical Gloucester, Massachusetts, from

Atlantic Cod, from


In late 1998, Congress appropriated five million dollars to NOAA to provide emergency disaster assistance to persons or entities in the Northeast multispecies fishery who incurred losses from a commercial fishery failure due to declining stocks of groundfish. The initial round of assistance was directed towards groundfish fishermen most affected by seasonal area closures enacted during 1999 in the Gulf of Maine. Although about 200 permit holders (owners) received compensation, the first round of assistance did not exhaust all of the appropriated funds. NOAA Fisheries conducted a second round of disaster assistance in March 2000, which broadened eligibility requirements to include more affected fishermen, including crew members.

In return for receiving compensation, participants agreed to either make their vessel available for cooperative research projects, and/or to respond to a survey that would provide sociocultural and economic information for fishery analysts and fisheries management. A total of 286 owner surveys and 181 crew surveys (representing a response rate of 78.1% and 75.1% respectively) were received by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. The surveys covered six broad areas: households and communities; expenditure impacts; business practices; management and enforcement; capacity and the future; and fishing family assistance. Questions in the survey solicited either specific information, or feedback for designing future surveys to better meet the needs of both researchers and stakeholders. In an effort to promote additional avenues for feedback, the following provides links to the surveys used in the second round of disaster assistance, and summarized results from most of the survey questions (not including, for example, open-ended questions). Please feel free to examine the surveys and survey results, send comments, and check back in the future for additional analyses.

An Orientation to the Surveys

 Look at a report by NEFSC anthropologists Trish Clay and Julia Olson
The Owner Survey

 Look at the owner survey
             This is a PDF file, version 4.0 (115KB)
 View summarized results from the owner survey
             This is a PDF file, version 4.0 (148KB)

The Crew Survey

 Look at the crew survey
             This is a PDF file, version 4.0 (90KB)
 View summarized results from the crew survey
             This is a PDF file, version 4.0 (119KB)

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