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  Healthy Schools


Funding a Local Wellness Policy

Local wellness policies promote health and wellness in each school district. They allow schools to take an active role in promoting student wellness and preventing obesity. Local wellness policies can be created and implemented with any level of financial commitment.

Be creative when you are looking for funding. There are many sources of funding that may be available to you. Some examples include health insurance providers, private foundations, community organizations, and government agencies. It may be possible to fund several of the projects that fall under your local wellness policy with just one grant, rather than relying on a different funding source for each program.

This page provides some examples of grants and funding sources that may help finance your policy development and implementation.

Websites and Databases for Grants

SchoolGrants is a website dedicated to updating PK-12 schools on grant opportunities and providing technical support for grant writing. The site lists sources from government agencies and foundations as well as state-specific funds.

The Center for Health and Health Care in Schools maintains a "grant alerts" page that provides resources on numerous health-focused grants for schools.

The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) maintains a website of grant sources to fund physical activity-related projects.

Specific Grants

Team Nutrition Training Grants, available from the USDA's Team Nutrition Program, are available to assist State agencies that administer NSLP, SBP, and CACFP in improving children's lifelong eating and physical activity habits using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA Food Guidance System.

Safe Schools/Healthy Students Grants, administered by the U.S. Department of Education, support comprehensive education, mental health, law enforcement, juvenile justice system, and social services that promote healthy child development and safe, disciplined, drug-free school environments.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a non-profit organization seeking to improve the health and health care of all Americans, awards grants to combat childhood obesity by promoting healthy eating and physical activity in schools and communities.

The Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation has state-specific chapters, many of which provide grants for improving healthcare and access in low income communities. New Hampshire is one example of a state-level foundations. Also, if Blue Cross Blue Shield provides healthcare for your staff, you may be able to work with them to provide on-site health services, health and wellness fairs, or staff health services.

The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAPHERD) offers grants to support and enhance physical activity and physical education programs in schools.

The 3-A-Day Nutrition Educational Grant Program, supported by the National Dairy Council, funds programs designed to improve overall diet, by including three servings of milk, cheese, or yogurt in children's diets each day.

Keep in Touch

If you are aware of any grants that could be used to promote Local Wellness Policies, please tell us about them at teamnutrition@fns.usda.gov.