Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
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Browse The Catalog By Agency
Agency Name CFDA# Agency Program Title
Department Of Labor 17.002 DOL Labor Force Statistics
  17.003 DOL Prices and Cost of Living Data
  17.004 DOL Productivity and Technology Data
  17.005 DOL Compensation and Working Conditions
  17.150 DOL Employee Benefits Security Administration
  17.201 DOL Registered Apprenticeship and Other Training
  17.207 DOL Employment Service/Wagner-Peyser Funded Activities
  17.225 DOL Unemployment Insurance
  17.235 DOL Senior Community Service Employment Program
  17.245 DOL Trade Adjustment Assistance
  17.258 DOL WIA Adult Program
  17.259 DOL WIA Youth Activities
  17.260 DOL WIA Dislocated Workers
  17.261 DOL WIA Pilots, Demonstrations, and Research Projects
  17.264 DOL National Farmworker Jobs Program
  17.265 DOL Native American Employment and Training
  17.266 DOL Work Incentive Grants
  17.267 DOL Incentive Grants - WIA Section 503
  17.268 DOL H-1B Job Training Grants
  17.269 DOL Community Based Job Training Grants
  17.270 DOL Reintegration of Ex-Offenders
  17.271 DOL Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program (WOTC)
  17.272 DOL Permanent Labor Certification for Foreign Workers
  17.273 DOL Temporary Labor Certification for Foreign Workers
  17.301 DOL Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action by Federal Contractors and Federally Assisted Construction Contractors
  17.302 DOL Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation
  17.303 DOL Wage and Hour Standards
  17.306 DOL Consumer Credit Protection
  17.307 DOL Coal Mine Workers' Compensation
  17.308 DOL Farm Labor Contractor Registration
  17.309 DOL Labor Organization Reports
  17.310 DOL Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation
  17.502 DOL Occupational Safety and Health_Susan Harwood Training Grants
  17.503 DOL Occupational Safety and Health_State Program
  17.504 DOL Consultation Agreements
  17.505 DOL OSHA Data Initiative
  17.600 DOL Mine Health and Safety Grants
  17.601 DOL Mine Health and Safety Counseling and Technical Assistance
  17.602 DOL Mine Health and Safety Education and Training
  17.603 DOL Brookwood-Sago Grant
  17.700 DOL Women's Bureau
  17.720 DOL Disability Employment Policy Development
  17.801 DOL Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP)
  17.802 DOL Veterans' Employment Program
  17.803 DOL Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights
  17.804 DOL Local Veterans' Employment Representative Program
  17.805 DOL Homeless Veterans Reintegration Project
  17.806 DOL Veteran's Preference in Federal Employment
  17.807 DOL Transition Assistance Program

General Services Administration
Office of Chief Acquisition Officer
Regulatory and Federal Assistance Division (VIR)