Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance - Agency Summaries
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Agency Summary Listing
Agency Name Parent Agency Description
Bureau Of Reclamation Department Of The Interior Bureau of Reclamation (15.504-15.506) The Bureau of Reclamation
    manages, develops, and protects water and related resources in an
    environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the
    American public. The agency is the nation's second largest wholesale
    water supplier, administering 348 reservoirs with 245 million acre-feet
    of water. One out of five western farmers uses Reclamation water to
    irrigate 10 million acres of land, producing 60 percent of the nation's
    vegetables and 25 percent of its fruits and nuts. The agency also
    serves as the fifth largest electric utility in the 17 States west
    of the Mississippi River. Reclamation encourages and supports water
    conservation and environmental restoration through partnerships,
    incentive programs, and challenge grants. It also supports efforts
    to meet increasing water demands through water reclamation,
    recycling, and reuse.
The above is a list of agencies with programs listed in the Catalog.

General Services Administration
Office of Governmentwide Policy
Office of Acquisition Policy
Regulatory and Federal Assistance Publication Division (MVA)