Since 1893, services & solutions
                      for people with disabilities.

Services for People Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired

NEAT finds employment, provides computer instruction, adaptive equipment, assistive technology and work site assessments.

Employment and Education

Insruction for people who are blind and visually impaired.
  1. Our Vocational Center - designed to help adults who are blind or visually impaired find employment, assistance with job readiness, interview skills and identifying transportation needs.
  2. Provides instruction on magnification devices, demonstrations of adaptive equipment and software to people who are blind and visually impaired and the people who work with them.
  3. Provides computer instruction to people who are blind and visually impaired.
  4. Provides work-site assessments and assistive technology recommendations to assist the blind and visually impaired live and work more independently.

How do I get started?

For Employment, Computer Training and Community Support - please contact Steve Famiglietti, manager of the Vocational Program for people who are blind and visually impaired at (860) 286-3100; toll free in CT (866) 526-4492; or email:

Housing and Community Supports

Oak Hill provides independent living opportunities and Community Supports for adults.

Eleanor A. Brooks Blindness Related Supports Center at Oak Hill


How do I get started?

For Housing, Community Supports and Camp LEEP, please contact Karin Agritelly, Coordinator of Oak Hill Centers, Blindness Supports and Independent Housing, at (860) 286-3105 toll free in CT (866) 526-4492; or email at




Oak Hill Professional Development provides comprehensive and on-going education for professionals and family members:

  1. Training in the community: includes opportunities to earn CEU’s, recertification and licensing; as well as sensitivity training, mobility and orientation (course curriculum)
  2. Areas of interest: adaptive devices, assistive technology and durable medical equipment

Come to our next Vision Open House



Camp LEEP 2007

Oak Hill’s Low vision/blind Educational Employment Program (LEEP) enables students, ages 15-21 who are blind or have low vision, the opportunity to live on a college campus with Oak Hill staff for one week, 24/7, and meet with admissions counselors, disability coordinators, learn about computers and assistive technology, learn job interviewing skills, enhance daily skills and much, much more. There is no cost to the student, however space is limited.

Camp LEEP is housed at a local college or university in the greater Hartford area for one week during the summer. For further information, please call Karin Agritelly, Coordinator of Oak Hill Centers, Blindness Supports and Independent Housing at (860) 286-3105, email: or Steve Famiglietti, Blind Services Vocational Manager at (860) 286-3100, email: