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Medical Equipment & Supplies- Indonesia

Medical Equipment & Supplies





U.S.$ Millions                           2004            2005            2006 (estimated)

Total Market Size                         141              165              187

Total Local Production                    42                52               52

Total Exports                                  24                35               35

Total Imports                                123              148             170

Imports from the U.S.                     15                17               21

Note: The above statistics are unofficial estimates.


Indonesia’s market for medical equipment and supplies shows increased growth and offers a great opportunity for U.S. manufacturers.  Currently, over 85 percent of medical equipment and supplies are imported.  Total imports of this sector grew from $123 million in 2004 to $148 million in 2005, with U.S. products accounting for 11 percent of this market.  The market is predicted to grow by 15-20 percent over the next two years.  Major competitors by rank of imports are Germany and Japan.  Smaller players like Korea, China, and India offers low-priced equipment, further intensifying the competition.   The use of local/distributors to market medical products in Indonesia is required.  Pricing is a key success factor in this business, followed by quality and after-sales service. 


Best Products/Services                                                           


Electro medical and diagnostic equipment

Respiratory appliances

Disposable products

X-ray units and X-ray films




As 85 percent of medical equipment and supplies are imported, an excellent opportunity exists for U.S. manufacturers.  In Indonesia, U.S. products are widely known to be of  high quality and standards.  To gain market share, U.S. companies need to aggressively pursue the Indonesian market.    In general, the Indonesian market for medical equipment and supplies is highly sensitive to prices.  Financing option will also assist in penetrating the market.




Ministry of Health: 

Directorate General of Medical Care, Tel. (62-21) 5203880, Fax: (62-21) 5211571.

Directorate General of Pharmacy and Medical Devices Services:

Tel./Fax: (62-21) 9229224.