USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

Department of the Interior

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

Subject Index


Career Development Program, 370.410.2

Cash Refunds/Advances, 338.5; 338.6

Ceilings, Employment, 370.312.2

Certificate of Deposit, 338.1

Certification of Long-distance Telephone Calls, 205.5; 403.9

Certification of USGS Reproductions, 301.3

Change-making, Cash Advance for, 338.6

Change of Headquarters, 340.6

Charge Accounts

     Blanket Purchase Agreements, 403.6

     Publications and Other Products, 338.2

Charge Cards, 340.18; 403.10

Check Distribution, 345.1

Checks Payable to Foreign Banks, 338.8

CICA, 404.3

Civil Defense, 1000.1, (also, see Emergency Planning and Operations)

Claims, Legal Advice and Assistance, 450.1

     Against Federal Employees, 451.4

     Against the United States, 451.1

     Damage or Loss in Shipment, 410.5

     Loss or Damage - Employees Personal Property, 451.5

     U.S. Government Claims, 451.3

Classification and Inventory of USGS Web Services, 500.16

Classified, 440-4

Clearance Procedures, Employee, 344.16

Collection and Deposit, 338.1; 338.3

     Advances for Change-making Purposes, 338.6

     Cash Journal, 338.6

     Checks Payable Only by Foreign Banks, 338.8

     Direct Deposit, 370.550.12

     Erroneous Payments to Employees, 338.3

     Receivable Accounting, Publications and Other Products, 338.2

     Refunds, Publications and Other Products, 338.5

     Uncollectible Items, 338.4

Collection of Debts, 338.4

Commerce Business Daily, 404.3

Commercial Purchase Cards(Bankcards), 403.7

Commercial Transportation, 340.3

Committee Management, 308.1

     Alaska Survey Committee, 308.10

     BLM/USGS Intra-agency Committee for Program Coordination, 308.39

     Budget Execution and Finance Committee, 308.7

     Bureau of Reclamation/USGS Intra-agency Committee for Program Coordination, 308.50

     Bureau Outreach, 308.58

     Business Enterprise Council, 308.42

     Business Leaders Team, 308.670

     Configuration Management Committee, 308.61

     Defense Mapping Agency/USGS Interagency Committee for Program Coordination, 308.36

     Emergency Preparedness Committee, 308.26

     Environmental Management Council, 308.63

     Environmental Protection Agency/USGS Intra-agency Committee for Program Coordination, 308.50

     Ethics Committee 308.54

     Federal Emergency Management Agency/USGS Intra-agency Committee for Program Coordination, 308.33

     Field Managers Team 308.68

     Fine Arts, 308.17

     Geographic Data Committee, 308.55

     Human Resources Council, 308.57

     Incentive Awards, 308.18

     Information Council, 308.5.1

     Information Management and Delivery Committee, 308.5.2

     Information Technology Infrastructure Committee, 308.5.3

    Interagency Committees:
       U.S. Fish and Wildlife/USGS Interagency Committee for Program Coordination, 308.32

       U.S. Forest Service/USGS Interagency Committee for Program Coordination, 308.52

     International Activities Policy, 308.15

     Investment Review Board, 308.62

     Minerals Management Service/USGS Intra-agency Committee for Program Coordination, 308.49

     NOAA/USGS Interagency Committee for Program Coordination, 308.38

     Occupational Safety and Health Council, 308.64

     Office of Surface Mining/USGS Intra-agency Committee for Program Coordination, 308.34

     Operations Council, 308.4

     Policy Council, 308.2

     Reactor Operations Committee, 308.44

     Regional Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental Committees308.65

     Safety Committee, Handbook 445-2-H, Chapter 1

     Science Council, 308.6

     Soil Conservation Service/USGS Interagency Coordinating Committee for Data Exchange and      Program Coordination, 308.35

     Special Emphasis Program Advisory Committee, 308.59

     Specialized Safety Program Committees, 308.66

     USGS Identification Clothing - Corporate Identification Committee, 308.60

Common Carrier, 340.3

Communications, Federal Telecommunications System (FTS2000), 313.6

Compensation, Details of Personnel, 370.531.1

Competition in Contracting, 404.3

Complaints of Discrimination, 370.713.2

Computer Database, 500.24

Computing Resources Networking, 600.3

Computer Security, (also, see ADP Security), 600.5

Computer User Identification and Access, 600.5


     Review, Approval and Release of Information Products, 502.4

Configuration Management Committee, 308.61

Contributions From and Collaborative Projects With Private Sources, 500.20

Contracting Officer Designation, 205.4

Contracting Officer's Representative, 404.11

Contractor Performance Evaluations, 404.12


     Advance Procurement Planning, 404.2

     Automatic Recurring Payments, Fixed Amounts 342.2

     Competition, 404.3

     Competitive Proposal Evaluation, 404.9

     Electronic Transfers, 336.3

     Employees, 401.6

     Federal Specifications, 402.5

     Field Printing, 314.3

     General Specifications, 402.5

     Procurement Delegation, 205.4

     Requisition for Contracts and Assistance Awards, 404.10

     Technical Monitoring of, 404.11

     Vehicle Storage, 409.1

Contractual Services

     Emergency Employment, 342.3

     Gage Readers, Samplers and Observers, 342.1

     Paid Advertising, 405.6

     Recurring Payments, 342.2


     From Outside Sources, 500.19

     Delegations of Authority to Accept Contributions, 205.13

Controlled Property, (see Property)

Cooperative Agreements and Grants, 406.1

Cooperative Research and Development Projects with Private Sources, 500.20

Cooperative Work Policy, 500.1

Copying Equipment, 314.3

Copyrighted Material, Use of, 1100.6

COR, 404.11

Correspondence Management, 431.2

Cost Accounting, ADP, 600.1

Cost Distribution 501.1

COTR, 404.11

Court Leave, 370.630.10

Court Testimony and Release of Official Records, 450.2; 205.9

Credit Cards, 335.3

     Gasoline, USGS Vehicles, 403.10

     Telephone, 313.6

     Vehicle Rental, Commercial, 335.3

Credits, Acknowledgments and Authorship in USGS Information Products, 1100.5

Current Employees, Procurement Awards, 401.6

Custodians, Property, 408.2; 408.9

Customer Service Policy, 500.15

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