U.S. Geological Survey Manual
Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey Manual
Subject Index
Joint Funding Agreement, 500.1; 205.4
Jury Duty, 370.630.10 (also, see Court Leave)
Justification and Approval, 404.3
Emergency Employment of, 342.3
Lands, Obtaining Access to Private, 500.11
Annual, 370.630.3
Approval for, 370.630.1
Court, 370.630.10
Excused Absence, 370.630.11
General Provisions, 370.630.1
Home, 370.630.6
Maternity, 370.630.4
Military, 370.630.9
Per Diem, 340.7
Shore, 370.630.12
Sick, 370.630.4
Without Pay, 370.630.7
Lease Management, 429.1
Legal Matters
Advice and Assistance, 450.1
Claims, Government Tort, 451.3
Claims, Tort, Against the U.S., 451.1
Copyrighted Material, 450.3
Court Testimony, 450.2
Defense of Suits Against Federal Employees,451.4
Inventions by Employees, 453.1
Loss or Damage to Federal Employee's Personal Property,
Unsolicited Proposals, 401.8
Local Area Network (LAN), 600.3
Long-distance Telephone Call Certification, 205.5;
Long-term and Extended Training, 370.410.8
Loss or Damage - Employee's Personal Property, 451.5