U.S. Geological Survey Manual
Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey Manual
Subject Index
Absence, 370.610.1; 370.630.1
(also, see Leave)
Absences, Excused, 370.630.11
Acceptance of Conveyance, 205.12
Access to Private Lands, Obtaining Permission for, 500.11
Accident Investigation, 451.1
Accountable Officers, Financial Management, 335.1
Accounting, ADP Cost Recovery and Sharing, 600.1
Accounts Receivable, 338.2
Accrued Expenditure Report, Form 9-803, 330.4
Acknowledgments,Authorship and Credits in USGS Information Products, 1100.5
Acquisition/Assistance Awards to Former USGS Employees, 404.5
Acquisition Management Reviews, 401.2
Acting Officials, 302.1
Director's Office, 302.2
Freedom of Information, 318.1
Privacy, 319.1
Actual Subsistence Expenses, 340.8
Administrative Management Council, 308.3
ADP Cost Accounting, Cost Recovery and Sharing, 600.1
ADP Security, 600.5
Advance Procurement Planning, 404.2
Advertising, Paid, 205.11; 405.6
Agreements, Cooperative and Reimbursable, 205.4;
205.13; 500.1
Agreements, Blanket Purchase, 205.4; 403.6
Agreements, Employee
Continued Service, 370.410.5
Pre-employment Transportation, 370.572.1
Training, 370.410.1
Travel, 340.6
Air Travel, 340.3 (also, see Travel)
Airplanes, Privately Owned, 340.4
AIS, 440-4
Alcohol, Procurement, Safeguarding, Use and Control, 402.12
Allegations of Discrimination, 370.713.2
Allotments, 370.550.3
Direct Deposit of Allotments to Financial Institutions,
Over-obligation of, 327.1
Payment of Dues, 370.550.4
Responsibility for Over-obligation, 327.1
Savings Bonds, 344.2
Allowances and Differentials
Foreign, 370.592.1
Nonforeign, 370.591.1
Travel, 340.6
American Indian and Alaska Native Sacred Sites, 500-6
Annual Leave, 370.630.3 (also, see
EEO Complaints, 370.713.2
Apportionments, 327.1
Former Employee, 404.5
Newspaper Advertising, 205.11
New Tires, 403.12
Procurement, 205.4;
Assessments, 501.1
Asset Management 420.1
Assignment of Pay, 370.550.12
Assignments, Intergovernmental, 370.334.1;
370.334.2; 370.334.3;
Association Membership - Professional or Other Associations, 370.252.1
Attendance and Leave, 370.630.1 (also,
see Leave)
Annual Leave, 370.630.3
Court Leave, 370.630.10
Excused Absences, 370.630.11
General Provisions, 370.630.1
Holidays, 370.610.2
Home Leave, 370.630.6
Hours of Duty, 370.610.1
Leave Without Pay, 370.630.7
Military Leave, 370.630.9
Shore Leave, 370.630.12
Sick Leave, 370.630.4
Audiovisual Media and Products, 500.7
Authority, Procurement, 205.4
Authority to Approve Information Products, 205.18
Authorship, Acknowledgments, and Credits in USGS Information Products, 1100.5
Automated Information Systems Security, 600.5
Automatic Data Processing (see ADP)
Automatic Succession, 302.1, 302.2
Automobile Rental, 409.1;(also, see
Motor Vehicles)
Awards (Delegation of Authority), 205.1