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AAPG Member Registry Service

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Photo Credit: The AAPG Explorer has graciously provided all the photographs used on this page in various issues since 2000.


Your Career Partner for Life

The AAPG Career Center is a benefit to members of the AAPG, and to companies, organizations, and individuals seeking to hire our member geoscientists.

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The AAPG Career Center is a benefit to members of the AAPG. Use the confidential resume bank, job search capabilities and Job Alert option to find your dream job.

Employer's search

People committed to their careers are going to join organizations which will enhance their job skills working to keep themselves current within their fields of expertise.

Use the AAPG Career Center to recruit the highest qualified applicant.

Member Registry Service

AAPG Member Registry

  • Where AAPG members record their areas of professional expertise, and the years of experience within them.
  • It also enables every member to search for other members with similar experience and interests.
Sign up today to join this new global network.
Find consultants

Use this RSS shortcut to locate companies, organizations, and individuals looking to contract consultants. (Requires AAPG membership to access.) JOIN NOW

Companies search

Need a geoscientist consulting work? AAPG members that work as consultants have submitted their resume' and can be found here. (Requires an employer registered account to access.)


American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 979 • Tulsa, OK 74101-0979 • USA
Street Address: 1444 S. Boulder • Tulsa, OK 74119 • USA
Shipping Address: 125 West 15th Street • Tulsa, OK 74119 • USA
Phone: +1 918 584-2555 • Fax: +1 918 560-2665
Toll Free: 1-800-364-AAPG (2274) US and Canada only