U.S. Geological Survey Manual
Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey Manual
Subject Index
Hazard Pay Differential, 370.550.9
Hazardous Materials, 410.7; 402.5
Headquarters, Change of, 340.6 (also, see Travel)
Holidays, 370.610.2
Home Leave, 370.630.6
Hours of Duty, 370.610.1
Flexitime, 370.610.1
Less than Full-time Employment, 370.610.1
Night Work, 370.550.2
Offices Outside D.C., 370.610.1
Overtime, 370.550.1
Vessel Employees, 370.630.12
Household Goods, Transportation of, 340.9; 410.2
Human Resources Council, 308.57