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Welcome to the US Army Corps of Engineers
John Martin Reservoir Recreation Area

John Martin Reservoir is a U.S. Army Corps of Engineer managed lake, however the recreation areas and campgrounds are managed by Colorado State Parks. Federal Recreation Passports for these areas are not accepted.


Bent on Birding. On May17th in Las Animas, Colorado. This will be a full day or more of activities which will include many bird watching events, heritage tourism, a visit to the petroglyphs at John Martin Reservoir, a viewing of the endangered Piping Plovers and Least Terns, an informative session on area birds, an evening a historic Boggsville with a program by John Carson, great grandson of Kit Carson, a barbeque, to name a few of the many activities. To register contact: 719-456-0453.

Teachers! Ranger Don Headlee is offering his interpretive programs on the Lewis & Clark Expedition and the Zebulon M. Pike Expedition. Ranger Headlee is happy to come to your school and give these presentations to students and adults alike. If interested, please call 719.336.3476.

Visitors! Dinosaur track display is here. The display was done by the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center of Woodland Park, Colorado. They are one of the leading authorities on dinosaurs in the country. The display is spectacular. It has actual tracks from the track sites and a mural of the dinosaurs. It has an interactive element for you to enjoy. Come and visit a part of southeastern Colorado's history, 95.5 million years in the making.

Geocaching is permitted on Corps lands only with express knowledge and approval of the project manger for that project. For project manager contact information please click the projects contact us link.

Area Weather Forecast
Current weather conditions for Hasty, Colorado.

Colorado Fishing Regulations and Weekly Fishing Reports
Colorado Division of Wildlife's fishing news, stocking, and fishing conditions reports run on a weekly basis from mid-April through Labor Day weekend. License applications and regulation brochures are also available at this site.

Protected Shoreline Birds
John Martin Reservoir and other partners provide critical habitat for the Piping Plover and the Interior Least Tern.

Boating Safety
Colorado State boating statutes, regulations and advisories.



U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Albuquerque, NM USA

Last modification: 14 March 2008