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PMI: Presidents Malaria Initiative - Saving lives in Africa.

The Malaria Communities Program (MCP)

Eligibility and Timeline    |    About MCP    |    Application Preparation    |    Resources

MCP Application Preparation

An open request for application (RFA) supercedes any information on this page. Tips and resource recommendations presented here are supplemental to the RFA, and should not contradict it. The tips are presented as reminders, and address typical errors made in applications. Tips are not representative of all possible advice; contact the New Partner Advisor at CSTS+ ( for more information.

In addition to the resources mentioned here, please carefully review other pages on the PMI Web site to access additional resources recommended by the program.

The sections below correspond to the Technical Application Guidelines in the FY08 MCP RFA.

Executive Summary


  • Keep within the page limit.
  • Save description for the body of the application.
  • Include the best information to give a snapshot of the project.
  • Read MCP RFA Common Pitfalls and Advice [PDF, 29KB]

Organization Capacity and Past Performance


  • Given the page limitations, summarize evidence indicating that the organization has the ability to implement the proposed project.

  • Include information about program partners, both confirmed and proposed.

  • Refer to any strategic planning and/or results of organizational assessments that may have taken place.

  • It is important to include information about the applicant's current relationship with the host country government and its collaboration with the National Malaria Control Program.

  • Include three past performance references in an attachment.

Project Context / Description of Existing Gaps


  • Draw upon any existing data, both qualitative and quantitative. Cite sources.

  • You may collect your own data (qualitative and quantitative), although applicants are not expected to have conducted a survey.

  • Include information about every malaria intervention being implemented in the project area (present an overall picture of malaria in the project area), highlighting gaps. Include information regarding relevant household behaviors as well as access to services. Include more description regarding those interventions the project will implement.


  • Malaria Operational Plans (MOPs)
  • National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) Strategic Plan
  • United Nations (UN) Agency reports on the project area
  • Private Volunteer Organizations (PVOs) or nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) reports on the project area
  • Local Ministry of Health (MOH) Data
  • Consult with the NMCP about malaria partners active in the target area and in the country overall
  • Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and MICS Data

Program Strategy and Technically-Appropriate Interventions


  • Clearly define linkages with other PMI programs and malaria activities supported by other donors/MOH in-country and describe how synergy between programs will be developed

  • Describe how proposed approaches will extend the reach of malaria interventions to the community and household level and not duplicate already ongoing activities.

  • For program strategy, discuss how proposed activities will be conducted, how interventions will be implemented, and/or how proposed activities will achieve desired results. Consider the following: What is the delivery mechanism? Will a proven strategy be used or will something new be tried?

  • Consider: How will the project assess and measure behavior change? What is the strategy for changing behavior?

  • Consider: How will the project assess and ensure quality in service delivery and intervention implementation?

  • Be sure to make evident how the project will improve access to services, and what activities and outcomes are expected to be sustained after the project ends.

  • The rationale for the proposed strategy should be linked to the gaps identified in the project context section.


Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)


  • Approach the M&E plan as a system that joins goals, objectives, activities, and measurement of success together. In the Program Strategy section you state what you are going to do; in the M&E section describe how you will measure what you are doing. It is a good idea to begin project design by creating a results framework and then a performance monitoring plan to ensure a consistent, internal logic of the project.

  • It is important to include process, output and outcome indicators. Use PMI standard indicators whenever possible.

  • Develop the M&E plan with project partners and stakeholders. If possible, input from national colleagues, particularly the NMCP will be valuable. For sustainability, it is good for these groups to help to select appropriate indicators.


Management Plan


  • Provide an organizational chart for the project, which indicates links to HQ office, other field offices, partners, including the NCMP, the USAID Mission/PMI in-country team, and communities.

  • Describe clearly the communication links (including people and occasions) among all project partners, including the USAID Mission/in-country PMI team.

For more information on the MCP in general, please contact