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Caregiver Support

Family Caregiver Support Program provides a multifaceted support services for family caregivers and for grandparents or older individuals who are relative caregivers. The following services are part of the Caregiver Support Program:

Information - may be public education such information about the program or seminars on giving care to someone at home

Assistance - Assists caregivers in gaining access to services

Counseling/Support Programs - May be individual counseling or support groups

Respite Care - May include Adult Day Care, Day Health, Group Respite, In-home Respite and Institutional Respite.

Supplemental Services - Personal Care, Sitter Service or Material Aid to support the needs of caregivers.

Direct payments to family caregivers are not allowed in this program.


Caregiver 911 - Caregiver Survival Resources


Offers help, information, and resource links to those coping with the demands of caregiving

Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA)


FCA is a nonprofit organization offering information, education. And support services for families providing log-term care. This site provides resources and acts as a clearinghouse on long-term care.

National Family Caregiver Association (NFCA)


NFCA is a national, charitable, membership organization dedicated to making life better for all of American's family caregivers through education, advocacy, and special program.