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Office of Domestic Finance

Office of Financial Institutions Policy

Speeches and Testimony

Date Title
12/19/2007 Transcript of Secretary Paulson and Governor Schwarzenegger Roundtable on Trade
12/18/2007 Secretary Paulson Prepared Remarks before Stockton Housing Town Hall Meeting
12/18/2007 Secretary Paulson Prepared Remarks before the Housing Town Hall Meeting in Kansas City
12/17/2007 Paulson Remarks at Housing Town Hall Meeting in Orlando
12/12/2007 Remarks by Under Sec Steel to NYC Subprime Lending and Foreclosure Summit
12/11/2007 Asst Sec Nason Remarks on Redesigning U.S. Financial Regulation
12/062007 Paulson Statement on Framework to Help Preserve Communities by Preventing Foreclosures
12/03/2007 Paulson Remarks on Actions Taken; Actions Needed in Mortgage Markets
11/19/2007 Under Sec Steel Remarks at Town Hall Forum
11/13/2007 Under Sec Steel Remarks on Financial Regulation and Capital Markets Competitiveness
11/02/2007 Under Sec Steel Testimony on Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention
10/31/2007 Paulson Remarks following HOPE Now Meeting
10/30/2007 Asst Sec Nason Remarks before the Women in Housing and Finance
10/20/2007 Under Sec Steel Remarks on Financial Regulation, Market Conditions
10/17/2007 Asst Sec Nason Remarks on Financial Regulation
10/16/2007 Paulson Remarks on Current Housing and Mortgage Market Developments
10/15/2007 Under Sec Steel Remarks before the Advisory Committee on the Auditing Profession
10/09/2007 Paulson Statement on new Private Sector Alliance
10/09/2007 Asst Sec Nason Remarks on Capital Markets Competitiveness, Insurance Regulation
10/02/2007 Paulson Remarks on the Advisory Committee on the Auditing Profession
09/20/2007 Paulson House Testimony on Mortgage Finance
09/05/2007 Under Sec Steel Testifies on Credit and Mortgage Markets
07/11/2007 Under Sec Steel Testimony on Hedge Funds
06/21/2007 Asst. Sec. Nason Testimony on Terrorism Risk Insurance

Under Sec Steel Remarks on Paulson Capital Markets Plan


Nason Nomination Testimony before Senate


Steel Testimony on GSE Reform


Under Secretary for Domestic Finance Robert K. Steel on Private Pools of Capital

2006 Speeches and Testimony

Press Release Archive

Last Updated: February 7, 2008