Annual Statistical Supplement, 2004

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits Withheld

Table 6.E1
Number and percentage distribution of retired workers with benefits withheld, by monthly benefit, reduction for early retirement, and sex, December 2003
Sex and monthly benefit (dollars) Total Without reduction
for early retirement
With reduction
for early retirement
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
All retired workers 106,010 100.0 29,800 100.0 76,210 100.0
Less than 350.00 19,080 18.0 7,730 25.9 11,350 14.9
350.00–399.90 3,700 3.5 1,450 4.9 2,250 3.0
400.00–449.90 4,060 3.8 1,120 3.8 2,940 3.9
450.00–499.90 4,930 4.7 1,550 5.2 3,380 4.4
500.00–549.90 5,620 5.3 1,770 5.9 3,850 5.1
550.00–599.90 5,670 5.3 1,740 5.8 3,930 5.2
600.00–649.90 5,040 4.8 1,340 4.5 3,700 4.9
650.00–699.90 4,750 4.5 1,260 4.2 3,490 4.6
700.00–749.90 4,470 4.2 1,200 4.0 3,270 4.3
750.00–799.90 4,470 4.2 1,260 4.2 3,210 4.2
800.00–849.90 3,780 3.6 920 3.1 2,860 3.8
850.00–899.90 3,890 3.7 970 3.3 2,920 3.8
900.00–949.90 3,340 3.2 800 2.7 2,540 3.3
950.00–999.90 3,330 3.1 810 2.7 2,520 3.3
1,000.00–1,049.90 3,300 3.1 590 2.0 2,710 3.6
1,050.00–1,099.90 3,090 2.9 640 2.1 2,450 3.2
1,100.00–1,149.90 2,250 2.1 490 1.6 1,760 2.3
1,150.00–1,199.90 2,540 2.4 410 1.4 2,130 2.8
1,200.00–1,249.90 3,170 3.0 330 1.1 2,840 3.7
1,250.00–1,299.90 2,910 2.7 350 1.2 2,560 3.4
1,300.00 or more 12,620 11.9 3,070 10.3 9,550 12.5
Men 66,380 100.0 20,830 100.0 45,550 100.0
Less than 350.00 10,290 15.5 4,400 21.1 5,890 12.9
350.00–399.90 2,530 3.8 1,150 5.5 1,380 3.0
400.00–449.90 2,730 4.1 890 4.3 1,840 4.0
450.00–499.90 3,060 4.6 1,250 6.0 1,810 4.0
500.00–549.90 2,910 4.4 1,300 6.2 1,610 3.5
550.00–599.90 2,820 4.2 1,290 6.2 1,530 3.4
600.00–649.90 2,280 3.4 900 4.3 1,380 3.0
650.00–699.90 2,390 3.6 930 4.5 1,460 3.2
700.00–749.90 2,330 3.5 910 4.4 1,420 3.1
750.00–799.90 2,430 3.7 880 4.2 1,550 3.4
800.00–849.90 2,150 3.2 660 3.2 1,490 3.3
850.00–899.90 2,310 3.5 660 3.2 1,650 3.6
900.00–949.90 2,090 3.1 550 2.6 1,540 3.4
950.00–999.90 2,280 3.4 540 2.6 1,740 3.8
1,000.00–1,049.90 2,190 3.3 430 2.1 1,760 3.9
1,050.00–1,099.90 2,130 3.2 400 1.9 1,730 3.8
1,100.00–1,149.90 1,700 2.6 380 1.8 1,320 2.9
1,150.00–1,199.90 1,960 3.0 330 1.6 1,630 3.6
1,200.00–1,249.90 2,610 3.9 250 1.2 2,360 5.2
1,250.00–1,299.90 2,280 3.4 240 1.2 2,040 4.5
1,300.00 or more 10,910 16.4 2,490 12.0 8,420 18.5
Women 39,630 100.0 8,970 100.0 30,660 100.0
Less than 350.00 8,790 22.2 3,330 37.1 5,460 17.8
350.00–399.90 1,170 3.0 300 3.3 870 2.8
400.00–449.90 1,330 3.4 230 2.6 1,100 3.6
450.00–499.90 1,870 4.7 300 3.3 1,570 5.1
500.00–549.90 2,710 6.8 470 5.2 2,240 7.3
550.00–599.90 2,850 7.2 450 5.0 2,400 7.8
600.00–649.90 2,760 7.0 440 4.9 2,320 7.6
650.00–699.90 2,360 6.0 330 3.7 2,030 6.6
700.00–749.90 2,140 5.4 290 3.2 1,850 6.0
750.00–799.90 2,040 5.1 380 4.2 1,660 5.4
800.00–849.90 1,630 4.1 260 2.9 1,370 4.5
850.00–899.90 1,580 4.0 310 3.5 1,270 4.1
900.00–949.90 1,250 3.2 250 2.8 1,000 3.3
950.00–999.90 1,050 2.7 270 3.0 780 2.5
1,000.00–1,049.90 1,110 2.8 160 1.8 950 3.1
1,050.00–1,099.90 960 2.4 240 2.7 720 2.3
1,100.00–1,149.90 550 1.4 110 1.2 440 1.4
1,150.00–1,199.90 580 1.5 80 0.9 500 1.6
1,200.00–1,249.90 560 1.4 80 0.9 480 1.6
1,250.00–1,299.90 630 1.6 110 1.2 520 1.7
1,300.00 or more 1,710 4.3 580 6.5 1,130 3.7
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 10 percent sample.
CONTACT: Dana N. Mercer (410) 966-6637 or Robert L. Hackendorf (410) 965-5536.
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Table 6.E4
Number of beneficiaries with benefits withheld, by reason for withholding payment and type of benefit, December 2003
Reason payment withheld Total, all
Retired workers Disabled
Wives and husbands Children Widowed
and fathers
Widow(er)s Parents Special
Subtotal Wives Husbands
Subtotal Men Women Without
children a
children b
Total 1,732,436 107,295 66,812 40,483 102,527 294,871 167,993 57,024 69,854 484,390 60,504 672,969 573 9,307
Earnings of—
Retired workers 41,733 39,157 22,716 16,441 . . . 1,590 1,366 159 65 986 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other beneficiaries 86,461 . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,544 714 34,553 2,277 152 38,778 9,987 . . . . . .
Entitled child not in care of beneficiary 27,178 . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,028 68 11,840 1,120 . . . 14,150 . . . . . . . . .
Payee not determined 8,190 692 349 343 1,517 26 c c c 5,672 c 277 c c
Recoupment of overpayment for reasons other than earnings 27,927 6,520 3,170 3,350 5,811 1,964 1,079 832 53 10,037 1,195 2,397 c c
Address unknown 50,773 19,976 11,881 8,095 8,677 1,595 1,052 390 153 12,713 216 7,170 38 388
Determination of continuing disability pending 5,953 . . . . . . . . . 3,893 141 c 132 c 1,912 . . . 7 . . . . . .
Workers' compensation offset 7,908 . . . . . . . . . 1,851 516 50 438 28 5,541 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Government pension offset 297,295 . . . . . . . . . . . . 194,424 131,745 c 62,640 . . . c 99,362 . . . 3,426
Receipt of public assistance 3,738 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,738
Technical entitlement 956,991 . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,927 18,377 5,665 1,885 391,041 1,582 538,297 c c
Other reasons 218,289 40,950 28,696 12,254 80,778 18,116 13,515 2,973 1,628 56,336 4,494 15,472 432 1,711
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: . . . = not applicable.
a. Aged 62 or older.
b. Under age 65 with entitled children in their care.
c. Not shown to avoid disclosure of information regarding particular individuals.
CONTACT: Dana N. Mercer (410) 966-6377 or Robert L. Hackendorf (410) 965-5536.
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Table 6.E5
Number of wives, husbands, and children with benefits withheld, by reason for withholding payment and type of benefit, December 2003
Reason payment withheld Wives and husbands of— Children under age 18 of— Disabled adult children of— Students aged 18–19 of—
Total 239,405 55,466 21,817 47,910 218,127 88,784 63,703 19,982 4,586 12,638 6,843
Earnings of—
Retired workers 1,590 . . . 835 . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . 38 . . . . . .
Other beneficiaries 6,856 30,688 24 32 56 13 14 a a 5 4
Entitled child not in care of beneficiary 2,030 10,998 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Payee not determined 22 4 215 2,683 1,864 127 680 a a 14 8
Recoupment of overpayment for reasons other than earnings 1,171 793 406 2,330 6,604 109 274 120 16 76 102
Address unknown 1,202 393 578 2,989 6,536 327 1,565 281 45 243 149
Determination of continuing disability pending . . . 141 . . . . . . 1,565 54 192 95 . . . . . . 6
Workers' compensation offset . . . 516 . . . . . . 5,329 . . . . . . 98 . . . . . . 114
Government pension offset 192,477 1,947 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Technical entitlement 18,573 7,354 16,460 29,594 169,277 85,521 52,254 15,504 4,404 11,953 6,074
Other reasons 15,484 2,632 3,299 10,282 26,896 2,520 8,724 3,804 78 347 386
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: . . . = not applicable.
a. Not shown to avoid disclosure of information regarding particular individuals.
CONTACT: Dana N. Mercer (410) 966-6377 or Robert L. Hackendorf (410) 965-5536.
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