Annual Statistical Supplement, 2004

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits in Current-Payment Status

International Agreements

Table 5.M1
Number of beneficiaries and average monthly benefit under U.S. totalization agreements, by country and type of benefit, December 1983–2003, selected years
Year and country Total Retired
Wives and
Widow(er)s a Children
1983 1,541 970 97 266 109 99
1984 2,717 1,664 254 435 202 162
1985 7,857 4,773 404 1,730 578 372
1990 27,662 17,432 1,609 5,801 2,078 742
1995 54,806 35,925 2,428 10,974 4,431 1,048
1996 59,455 39,085 2,514 11,917 4,893 1,046
1997 63,842 42,163 2,662 12,583 5,342 1,092
1998 68,748 45,632 2,708 13,376 5,926 1,106
1999 74,933 50,018 2,749 14,421 6,636 1,109
2000 82,404 55,398 2,687 15,806 7,302 1,211
2001 88,770 59,713 2,859 17,013 7,917 1,268
2002 94,350 63,418 2,992 18,032 8,585 1,323
2003 99,728 67,055 2,986 19,171 9,190 1,326
Australia 225 169 b 45 b b
Austria 831 611 59 104 38 19
Belgium 585 420 7 103 47 8
Canada 40,889 25,246 1,500 8,861 4,788 494
Chile 26 20 b 5 b b
Finland 187 138 9 29 6 5
France 3,391 2,445 40 601 244 61
Germany 15,368 11,544 631 2,166 828 199
Greece 2,346 1,596 101 455 153 41
Ireland 1,175 842 32 205 77 19
Italy 7,772 4,984 101 1,460 1,117 110
Luxembourg 33 20 b 6 b b
Netherlands 1,924 1,351 9 413 119 32
Norway 3,211 2,055 103 644 371 38
Portugal 1,777 1,151 105 287 194 40
Spain 1,867 1,155 68 400 202 42
Sweden 1,372 1,027 21 245 57 22
Switzerland 3,180 2,332 32 636 146 34
United Kingdom 13,569 9,949 162 2,506 796 156
Average monthly benefit (dollars)
1983 62.61 68.77 145.68 24.01 49.27 40.16
1984 79.29 90.32 144.07 25.64 51.61 42.90
1985 73.52 86.52 147.43 32.04 60.94 38.79
1990 108.07 122.87 223.71 44.37 88.01 63.88
1995 134.13 155.20 271.21 51.27 108.60 69.88
1996 138.89 160.65 287.11 52.80 112.45 74.22
1997 143.69 165.94 298.78 54.24 115.62 74.27
1998 146.37 169.15 305.43 55.08 117.87 73.49
1999 151.22 174.94 312.05 56.58 123.64 78.56
2000 157.03 182.39 324.60 59.01 127.96 79.70
2001 162.05 188.04 340.20 60.96 131.50 83.98
2002 165.18 191.74 345.58 62.45 134.02 86.28
2003 168.89 196.31 355.12 64.04 89.42 138.42
Australia 159.97 175.48 b 81.76 b b
Austria 199.67 225.66 226.12 64.10 173.71 75.79
Belgium 167.06 195.07 344.00 56.82 155.54 29.25
Canada 142.83 164.21 338.17 60.45 126.83 89.52
Chile 163.74 175.86 b 107.80 b b
Finland 178.18 182.01 464.44 64.34 211.33 177.80
France 181.35 210.60 399.02 68.97 157.59 68.57
Germany 211.52 238.07 347.28 64.67 150.28 93.99
Greece 148.00 157.94 393.30 65.24 137.52 114.34
Ireland 192.79 212.58 515.03 75.18 184.48 75.79
Italy 155.33 184.88 424.28 62.02 128.01 85.18
Luxembourg 195.41 221.78 b 66.17 b b
Netherlands 163.23 191.30 720.33 67.80 156.92 76.66
Norway 166.01 184.61 401.43 71.06 167.24 119.29
Portugal 162.03 171.26 384.05 67.45 141.05 94.08
Spain 148.80 168.79 347.41 60.87 149.58 111.40
Sweden 154.65 173.02 313.05 67.26 170.77 77.45
Switzerland 160.70 184.58 418.97 65.88 153.32 85.09
United Kingdom 212.00 249.47 399.97 71.81 171.93 83.29
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes nondisabled and disabled widow(er)s and mothers and fathers.
b. Not shown to avoid disclosure of information regarding particular individuals.
CONTACT: Dana N. Mercer (410) 966-6377 or Robert L. Hackendorf (410) 965-5536.
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