Annual Statistical Supplement, 2003

SSA Hearings and Appeals

Table 2.F8
Workload of SSA's Administrative Law Judges (ALJs), fiscal years 2001–2003
Item 2001 2002 2003 a
Number of ALJs 919 969 991
Average monthly hearing dispositions per ALJ 42 45 51
Average hearings pending per ALJ 447 470 574
a. Estimated data.
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Office of Hearings and Appeals. Actual data from the Key Workload Indicator Report. Estimated data from the Government Performance and Results Act, Annual Performance Plan.
NOTE: Data based on Administrative Law Judges' availability during fiscal year 2002; data excludes Regional Chief ALJs.
CONTACT: Beverly Nateghi (703) 605-8788.
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Table 2.F9
Number of hearing receipts, dispositions, and end-of-year pending cases, fiscal years 2002–2003
Program Hearing receipts Hearing dispositions End-of-year pending cases
2002 2003 a 2002 2003 a 2002 2003 a
Total 596,959 688,147 532,106 602,009 500,757 586,895
OASI 2,944 3,227 2,725 3,081 2,970 3,116
DI 200,302 214,042 171,367 184,538 165,228 194,732
SSI 158,775 181,611 142,120 162,572 147,315 166,354
DI and SSI 163,360 167,110 138,502 146,816 147,538 167,832
Medicare (Parts A and B and adversarial) 71,576 122,147 77,388 105,000 37,705 54,852
Black Lung 2 10 4 2 1 9
a. Estimated data.
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Office of Hearings and Appeals. Actual data from the Key Workload Indicator Report. Estimated data from the Government Performance and Results Act, Annual Performance Plan.
CONTACT: Beverly Nateghi (703) 605-8788.
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Table 2.F11
Number of SSA Appeals Council cases, fiscal years 2001–2003
Cases 2001 2002 2003 a
Beginning-of-year pending 127,190 92,185 59,781
Receipts 78,833 83,063 99,045
Dispositions 110,668 115,467 99,045
End-of-year pending 95,355 59,781 59,781
a. Estimated data.
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Office of Hearings and Appeals. Actual data from the Key Workload Indicator Report. Estimated data from the Government Performance and Results Act, Annual Performance Plan.
CONTACT: Beverly Nateghi (703) 605-8788.
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