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Economic Participation: Technology

Technology is considered “the great equalizer”, giving people with disabilities better opportunities to communicate, learn, participate, and achieve greater overall levels of independence. Perhaps most importantly, new technologies enable people with disabilities to perform competitively in the workplace. The National Organization on Disability (N.O.D.) offers the latest information on assistive technology, technological accessibility, and technology’s impact on the participation and contribution of people with disabilities.

Projects and Information
Assistive Technology - Equipment used by individuals with disabilities to increase or improve their functional capabilities.
Web and IT Accessibility - Section 508 and other standards for accessible web and information technology
Technology Facts and Statistics - Data from N.O.D./Harris Surveys and other sources
Resource Links - For assistive technology and technological accessibility

John Williams’ Column - articles by award-winning assistive technology columnist John Williams
Assistive Technology News - web site featuring articles by John Williams and other guest columnists, as well as introductions to new technologies that promote independence among people with disabilities in the workplace and in all aspects of life

Featured Articles and Links

John Williams' Column: Lomak is an Innovation in Empowerment for People with Disabilities
Date: March 16, 2006
At the recent Assistive Technology Industry Association conference in Orlando, Florida, disability columnist John Williams was introduced to the Lomak, an innovative light-operated keyboard that makes computer use possible for people with physical disabilities, or for anyone who has difficulty using a standard mouse and keyboard.

John Williams' Column: ATIA Conference Showcases Technologies for People with Disabilities
Date: February 16, 2006
Disability columnist John Williams recently attended the Assistive Technology Industry Association's 7th Annual Conference, which took place in Orlando, Florida on January 18 to 26. John shares with us his impressions from the conference, and highlights new products and innovations that will help improve quality of life for people with disabilities.

John Williams' Column: WCED Promotes Inclusion and Access for People with Disabilities
Date: January 18, 2006
The Sixth Annual World Congress and Exposition on Disabilities promoted inclusion and access for people with disabilities in their communities and professions. From December 3-5, 2005 in Philadelphia, the Expo brought together hundreds of people with disabilities and their families, caregivers, policy makers on all levels of government, advocates and business. Attendees visited more than 150 exhibits, and participated in over 80 work sessions on a wide range of disability issues. They were united in their goals to be educated and inspired to open up more opportunities for America's 54 million people with disabilities.

disability columnist John WilliamsJohn Williams' Column: Buying an Assistive Technology Product
Date: November 30, 2005
As an avid and informed user of assistive technology, John Williams shares his insights and gives advice to consumers with disabilities, based on his own experiences purchasing hardware and software to cope with stuttering, carpal tunnel syndrome, and declining vision. For John, cost is a key consideration, but the main factor in purchasing a product is its usefulness and usability, given the user's particular disabilities and needs.

John Williams' Column: Review of 'Living in the State of Stuck'
Date: July 27, 2005
Assistive technology writer John Williams considers Living in the State of Stuck by Dr. Marcia J. Scherer to be one of the best-written books that he has read in his 28 years in the disability field. Living in the State of Stuck follows several people with spinal cord injury and cerebral palsy, as they tackle the emotional and psychological hurdles accompanying their disabilities and their use of assistive technology to gain greater independence.

John Williams' Column: Enabling Seniors to Live Independently
Date: July 1, 2005
As we age, technology will play more of a role in our lives than in the lives of our parents. Living safely, independently and comfortably are important to us and technology can assist us in these areas. In this article, disability columnist John Williams shares stories of seniors who use assistive technology to enhance their independence and quality of life, and identifies resources for seniors looking to learn more about how technology can help them.

Adaptive Environments Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary
Date: December 3, 2003
Adaptive Environments, a Boston-based international nonprofit organization dedicated to the notion of "human-centered design", is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a new website and the announcement of its third international conference, to be held in Rio de Janeiro on December 8-12, 2004. Human-centered design defines excellence in urban, architecture, product and information design according its impact on people in the broadest spectrum of ages and abilities.

Marlee Matlin Joins Sen. Tom Harkin Via Sprint's Video Relay Service To Showcase Assistive Technology
Date: October 14, 2003
Academy Award-Winning Actress Marlee Matlin, in Los Angeles, joined forces with Senator Tom Harkin, on Capitol Hill via Sprint's Video Relay Service, in an event celebrating innovations in technology that are improving the quality of life for people with disabilities. The event was sponsored by the Microsoft Corporation and Easter Seals. Sprint's Video Relay Service enables deaf who use sign language to communicate over standard phone lines using a telephone, a Web camera and an interpreter.

Website Accessibility and the Private Sector: Disability Stakeholders Cannot Tolerate 2% Access!
Date: August 25, 2003
Among website designers, the issue of website accessibility has become a very controversial topic. Because of poor design, it is estimated that up to 40% of the potential market is not able to fully access most websites, taking into consideration various disabilities and wireless devices that have limited web browsing capabilities. While the needs of wireless devices are being addressed quite rapidly, in sharp contrast, designers are accused of continuing to ignore the needs of various disabilities.

FDA Approves Stair-Climbing Wheelchair
Date: August 13, 2003
On August 13, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the iBOT, a battery-powered wheelchair that relies on a computerized system of sensors, gyroscopes and electric motors to allow indoor and outdoor use on stairs, as well as on level and uneven surfaces. The iBOT represents a breakthrough technology with the potential to benefit an estimated 2 million people in the United States who use wheelchairs.

National Council on Disability Says Americans with Disabilities Act Applies to Commercial and Other Private Web Sites
Date: July 26, 2003
On the 13th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the National Council on Disability released a policy paper with the conclusion that access to commercial and other private web sites is covered under Title III of the ADA.

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