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AQMD Forms

Compliance Programs

Under federal and state law, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) is under a legal obligation to enforce air pollution regulations. These regulations are primarily meant to ensure that the surrounding (or ambient) air meets federal and state air quality standards. AQMD also has broad authority to regulate toxic and hazardous air emissions, and these regulations are enforced in the same manner as those which pertain to the ambient air quality standards.


General Information

Gas Dispensing

The Inspection Process
What to expect when an AQMD inspector visits your facility.
Recordkeeping & Other Forms
Download various application and record keeping forms

Rules & Regulations
Available for download in pdf format.
Training Classes
Learn more about complying with AQMD requirements.

Rule Compliance


Compliance Notices
Facts about Notices of Violation
& Notices to Comply.
AQMD's legal obligation to make & enforce air pollution regulations

Hearing Board
Learn more about variances and Hearing Board procedures.
Public Inquiry System
Find out about compliance notices issued by the AQMD.

Can We Help?

Oil Production
(Coming Soon)

Air Quality Complaints
How to report smoke, dust or
odor problems to AQMD.
Facility Information Detail (FIND)
Information about the regulated facilities in your community.

Compliance Assistance
Need assistance with permit applications or AQMD Rules?
Flare Events
Provide & view planned and unplanned flare event information.

Other Information

Controlling Dust
(Coming Soon)

REgional CLean Air Incentive Market.
Title V
Technical guidance and permitting.

Publications & Videos

Statewide PERP
CARB's Portable Equipment Registration Program.
Rule 1470 Requirements
Stationary Diesel Fueled & Other Compression Ignition Engines.


This page updated: May 11, 2007