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Rule 1121 Mitigation Fee Program



Rule 1121, “Control of Nitrogen Oxides from Residential Type, Natural Gas-Fired Water Heaters”, was adopted on December 1, 1978, and subsequently amended on March 10, 1995, December 10, 1999, and September 3, 2004.  Under the provisions of this rule, emission mitigation fees are collected from water heater manufacturers to fund stationary and mobile source emission reduction projects targeted at offsetting NOx emissions from water heaters that do not currently meet Rule 1121 emission standards.  Mitigation fees are being collected until January 1, 2008, after which, the water heater manufacturers are required to meet more stringent NOx  emission standards per Rule 1121.

As of April 30, 2005, the AQMD has available $1,227,743 from emission mitigation fees collected under Rule 1121. In July 2005, a Program Announcement was issued to solicit NOx emission reduction projects as provided under Rule 1121. At the close of the solicitation deadline of September 1, 2005, nine proposals were received with a requested total funding of $3,150,907.  On November 4, 2005, the Governing Board will take action to execute contracts for up to $1,227,743 to fund qualified stationary and mobile source NOx emission reduction projects.


Links to Board Letters

July 8, 2005 Agenda No. 7 Issue Program Announcement for Projects Under Rule 1121 Mitigation Fee Program
June 4, 2004 Agenda No. 5 Execute Contracts to Generate Emission Reduction Credits Under the Rule 1121 Mitigation Fee Program


This page updated: September 22, 2005