Data & Research

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The Arkansas IDEA Data and Research Office is a partnership of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and Arkansas Department of Education. IDEA Data and Research is housed in the College of Education’s Center for Applied Studies in Education. This program has been established to meet the growing data and reporting requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) and to undertake IDEA related research.


The Mission of the Arkansas IDEA Data and Research Office is to provide quality data management, analysis, technical assistance, and research for the enhancement of the Arkansas Department of Education's general supervision of local education agencies' special education programs by ensuring accurate, valid, and timely data to meet all state and federal reporting. We strive to promote IDEA research among faculty and students of UALR for a greater understanding of policy, procedures, and practices across the state.

2009 Data Summit

The IDEA Data and Research Office at UALR in conjunction with the Arkansas Department of Education Special Education Unit invite you to attend the 2009 Special Education Data Summit, July 30-31, 2009, with a preconference session the evening of July 29. You will want to register as soon as possible and print your registration form on legal size paper to have it full size. More details about the conference will be mailed to you after your registration form and payment have been received. No on-site registration will be available and hotel space is limited.

Data Summit Registration Brochure (3/20/08) pdf

L.E.A. Annual Performance Report

Arkansas Special Education District Annual Performance Report 2007/08 (Log in for Districts)


Early Childhood Profiles (2008/09) pdf
School Age Profiles
(2008/09) pdf
Students with Disabilities Participation in Statewide Benchmark Assessments by District and School Building 2006/07 (11-15-08) pdf

Monitoring/ACSIP Profiles

2007-08 Special Education Monitoring Evaluation District Data (Updated 4/23/09) pdf
Monitoring Evaluation Summary (4/20/09) pdf
Disproportionality Self Assessment (10/23/07) doc

Significant Disproportionality / CEIS

Coordinated Early Intervening Services Training (10/13/08) pdf
2008/09 CEIS Profile (4/15/09) pdf
CEIS Calculation Summary (4/15/09) pdf
The Ins and Outs of Disproportionality (4/15/09) pdf

Supporting Documentation

2008/09 APSCN User Guides with Data Dictionaries
Referral Tracking User Guide pdf
Early Childhood Training Guide - APSCN pdf
Early Intervening User Guide - APSCN pdf
School Age Training Guide - APSCN pdf
Special Education Employees Training Guide pdf

2008/09 Data Dictionaries
Referral Tracking Data Dictionary pdf
Early Childhood Data Dictionary pdf
Early Intervening Services Data Dictionary pdf
School Age Data Dictionary pdf
Special Education Employee / Program Approval Data Dictionary pdf

2008/09 MySped Review Procedures: Cycle 4
DDS 3-5 Year MySped Review Procedures (November 2008) pdf
Early Childhood MySped Review Procedures
(November 2008) pdf
School Age MySepd Review Procedures (November 2008) pdf
School Age Questions and Answers for Cycle 4 (December 2008) pdf

2008/09 MySped Review Procedures: Cycle 7
DDS 3-5 Year MySped Review Procedures (August 2008) pdf
DDS MySped Data Form
(November 2008) pdf
Early Childhood MySped Review Procedures
(August 2008) pdf
Early Childhood APSCN Data Form (January 2009) pdf
School Age MySped Review Procedures (August 2008) pdf
School Age APSCN Data Form (January 2009) pdf

Other Documents
APSCN School Year Reporting Requirements (August 2008) pdf
Early Childhood and School Age Cycle 4 Employee Data Overview (November 2008) pdf
Early Childhood Outline for Cycle 4 Reporting Overview (November 2008) pdf
Early Childhood Calculating Educational Environment (August 2008) pdf
Early Childhood and School Age Overview of Training Opportunities (January 2009) pdf
Early Childhood Outline for Cycle 2-7 WebEx Training (August 2008) pdf
Early Childhood Question and Answer for Cycle 2-7 WebEx Overview (August 2008) pdf
School Age Outline for Cycle 4 Report (November 2008) pdf

School Age Questions and Answers for Cycle 4 (December 2008) pdf
School Age Outline for Cycle 2-7 WebEx Training (August 2008) pdf
School Age Question and Answer for Cycel 2-7 WebEx Overview (August 2008) pdf
School Age Calculating Educational Environment (August 2008) pdf
Cycle 2 Employee Data Reporting WebEx Update (August 2008) pdf
Cycle 7 School Age Webex Session (May 2008) pdf
Cycle 7 School Age Question and Answer (May 2008) pdf
Cycle 7 Early Childhood Reporting (May 2008) pdf
Cycle 7 Early Childhood Question and Answer
(May 2008) pdf
Cycle 7 D.D.S. Report
(May 2008) pdf
DDS Outline for Cycle 4 WebEx Training (November 2008) pdf
DDS Special Education MySped Application Training Guide (August 2008) pdf
DDS Ouline for Cycle 2-7 WebEx Training (August 2008) pdf
DDS Overview of Training Opportunities (January 2009) pdf
DDS School Year Reporting Requirements (August 2008) pdf

Contact Us
Katina White, Administrative Specialist
Carrie Anderson, Research/Data Analyst
Dr. Jean Chen, Research Statistician
Jana Villemez, Training Coordinator
Dr. Jody A. Fields, Director


Teach Arkansas

ADE Survey

School Based Mental Health




Arkansas Department of Education
Special Education Unit
1401 West Capitol Ave., Victory Bldg. Suite 450, Little Rock, AR. 72201-2936
(501) 682-4221 TTY: (501) 682-4222