Nuclear Security Technologies

Arms Control Program
The Arms Control Program is focused in two main areas, the safe and secure storage of fissile materials that are needed to create weapons of mass destruction and the expertise needed to design and produce weapons of mass destruction. Securing dangerous nuclear materials in countries of the Former Soviet States and other parts of the world under programs such as the Kazakhstan Spent Fuel Disposition and the Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return program have the primary purpose of eliminating vulnerable stockpiles of weapons-usable material by relocating and securing the material. These efforts are complimented by the Warhead Safety and Security Exchange Agreement that was signed in 1994 between the United States and the Russian Federation that engages scientists and engineers of the Russian Federation with the expertise to design and produce nuclear weapons. Under this agreement U. S. and Russian scientists are working together under laboratory-to-laboratory contracts to better understand and enhance the safety and security of nuclear weapon dismantlement in both countries as well as to identify new technologies to counter nuclear terrorism.

For more information please contact:

Jim Radle
Nonproliferation and International Security
P. O. Box 2009
Building 9114, MS 8284
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-8284
(865) 241-8826
(865) 574-8186 (fax)


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