ATA Certification Program

Want to be an ATA-certified translator?

Follow these steps to register for an ATA certification exam:

  1. Become an ATA member As a member of ATA you can also purchase practice tests, which provide a practical introduction to the nature of the exam and how the graders mark the test, as well as an indication of how you will do on the exam. Please click here to Join Online.

  2. Satisfy the Eligibility Requirements You must provide proof of a combination of education and work experience in order to qualify to take the examination. Please click here for the Eligibility Form.

  3. Register for an upcoming exam The certification examination is a three-hour, open-book, proctored exam in a specific language pair. Please click here for the Registration Form.


Upcoming Exam Sittings
Certification Program
  Mission Statement
  Changes in 2004
  Changes—Related Articles

Eligibility Requirements for the ATA Certification Exam
  Frequently Asked Questions
  List of Approved Translation and Interpreting Schools
  Eligibility Requirements Form (Pre-requirement for Exam Registration)

Practice Test for the ATA Certification Exam

  Practice Test Request Form
  Instructions for Translating the Practice Test Passage

ATA Certification Exam
  Certification Exam: An Informational Presentation
  Frequently Asked Questions
  Upcoming Exam Sittings and Registration Form
  How Are ATA Exam Sites Chosen?
  Exam Error Marking
  Tips for Candidates
Certification Exam Review Procedure
  Request Form for Certification Exam Review
  Procedure to Appeal Certification Exam Review
  Request Form to Appeal Certification Exam Review

Continuing Education for ATA Certification

  Administrative Policies
  Frequently Asked Questions
  Guide to Continuing Education Points
  Continuing Education Points Record
  Guide to Continuing Education Points - PDF Grid Format
  Request for Approval of Continuing Education Sessions - PDF Format
  Online Ethics Course
  Continuing Education Points for School Outreach Presentations
  Low Cost Ideas for Continuing Education
  Continuing Education Profiles

Certification Program Forms

  Eligibility Requirements Form (Pre-requirement for ATA Certification Exam Registration)
  Practice Test Request Form
  Upcoming Exam Sittings and Registration Form
  Request Form for Certification Exam Review
  Request Form to Appeal Certification Exam Review
  Request for Approval of Continuing Education Sessions - PDF Format
  Continuing Education Ethics Verification Statement
  Continuing Education Points Record

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