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Papers of Robert M. Ball




Information from Online Catalog


Ball, Robert M.


Papers, 1935-1998.


50.1 c.f.,
75 tape recordings, and
18 photographs.


Papers of Ball, a career official and commissioner of the Social Security Administration, who guided the development of the social security system from 1962 to 1973. The greater part of Ball's career involved social security, and he held a number of posts within the SSA prior to his assumption of the duties of commissioner, including the Head of the Bureau of Old Age and Survivors Insurance (1936-1946); assistant director for program analysis (1949-1952); deputy director (1952-1962); and acting director (1953). As commissioner, Ball presided over several reorganizations of the SSA, major expansions of benefits, and the passage of the Medicare Act in 1965, and also served as a member of a number of Advisory Councils for Social Security (1938-1997) and of the President's National Commission on Social Security Reform, which led to a number of amendments to the Social Security Act in 1983. He was also a founding member of the National Academy of Social Insurance, is the author or co-author of several books, and has spoken extensively throughout his career.
The papers primarily document Ball's career in the SSA, but also concern his many other social insurance and social welfare policy-related activities. Included are daybooks, correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, subject files, notes, speeches, congressional testimony, writings, clippings, photographs, and sound recordings. Principal correspondents include Arthur Altmeyer, Anthony Celebrezze, Wilbur Cohen, John Conyers, Robert Finch, John Gardner, Wilbur Mills, Robert Myers, Elliot Richardson, and Elizabeth Wickenden. Ball was also an active member of many organizations including the American Public Welfare Association, the Center for the Study of Social Policy, the International Social Security Association, and the National Academy of Public Administration.


This collection is unprocessed.

Finding aid:

Case file.


Altmeyer, Arthur J. (Arthur Joseph), b. 1891.
Celebrezze, Anthony J. (Anthony Joseph), 1910- .
Cohen, Wilber J. (Wilbur Joseph), 1913-1987.
Conyers, John, 1929- .
Finch, Robert H., 1925- .
Gardner, John William, 1912- .
Mills, Wilbur D. (Wilbur Daigh), 1909- .
Myers, Robert Julius, 1912- .
Richardson, Elliot L., 1920- .
Wickenden, Elizabeth, 1909- .
United States. Social Security Administration.
United States. National Commission on Social Security Reform.
American Public Welfare Association.
Center for the Study of Social Policy (Washington, D.C.)
International Social Security Association.
National Academy of Public Administration.
National Academy of Social Insurance.
Aged--Government policy--United States.
Health care reform--United States.
Insurance, Health--Law and legislation--United States.
Medicare--Law and legislation.
Old age pensions--Law and legislation--United States.
Public welfare--Law and legislation--United States.
Social security--United States--Law and legislation.
United States--Officials and employees.


Manuscript collection.
Sound recordings.

RLIN Number:



Z:Unprocessed Accessions

Call Number:



See contents list with accession sheet. Qty: 50.1 c.f. (50 record center cartons and 1 card file box), 75 tape recordings, and 18 photographs
Background Information
Robert M. Ball (1914- ). Papers, 1935-1998. 50.1 c.f. (50 record center cartons and 1 card file box), 75 sound recordings, and photographs.

Papers, 1935-1998, of a career official and commissioner of the Social Security Administration, who guided the development of the Social Security system from 1962 to 1973. A in the federal government, Ball held various positions the Bureau of Old Age and Survivors Insurance, Social Security Administration (1936-1946), including assistant director for program analysis (1949-1952); deputy director (1952-1962); and acting director (1953); before his appointment as commissioner. Ball's administration included reorganizations of the agency (1960s, 1970s), major expansions of benefits, and the passage of the Medicare Act (1965). Ball was also a member of a number of Advisory Councils for Social Security (1938-1997); and a member of the president's National Commission on Social Security Reform, which resulted in Social Security amendments of 1983. He was also founding member of National Academy of Social Insurance. Among Ball's correspondents were Congressman Wilbur Mills, Arthur Altmeyer, Wilbur Cohen, Robert Myers, and Elizabeth Wickenden. Ball is the author or co-author of several books, including Social Security Today and Tomorrow (c1978), book chapters, papers, and articles, and has given Congressional testimony and spoken extensively throughout his career.

The papers document Ball's careers in the Social Security Administration, as well as his many other social insurance and social welfare policy-related activities. Included are daybooks, correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, subject files, notes, speeches, Congressional testimony, and writings, clippings, photographs and sound recordings.
Container List



1 1-15 Daybooks, 1962-1997
 2 1 Addresses
Address cards
Memberships in organizations
Family cards
Rolodex cards
Address book, n.d.
 3 1 Articles and clippings about Ball
  2 Shisgall article on Ball, 1967
  3-12 Awards, 1952-1992
  13 Interviews with Ball, 1993, 1996, 1997
  14 Robert M. Ball Lecture Series, 1974-1989
  15-28 Brandeis courses, 1959-1960
  29 Who's Who entries
  30-31 Biographical information--other, 1949-1991
  32 Job opportunities, 1954, 1973, 1976
  33 Personnel file
  34 Father and mother
  35 Georgetown University Center for Health Policy Analysis advisory board, 1974-1975
  36 Advisory Committee on Long Term Care, 1987
  37-43 American Public Welfare Association, 1940-1975
  44 Brookings Institute, Industry-Government Seminars, Conference on Public Service, 1964-1967
  45 Citizens Jury, 1992-1993
  46 Center for National Policy (previously Center for Democratic Policy), Domestic Policy Study Group, 1981-1983
  47 Center for the Study of Social Policy, 1982-1989
 4 1-3 Commission for College Retirement, 1983-1987
  Gerontological Society of America
  4 General, 1984-1985
  5 National Academy on Aging, 1995-1996
  6 Harvard Consortium of Long Term Care, advisory comm., 1986-1987
  7-12 Institute of Medicine, Brookings Institution, 1970-1994
  13-17 International Social Security Association, 1959-1963, 1966-67, 1972
  18 Legal Council for the Elderly, 1985-1986
  19-20 National Academy of Public Administration, 1969-1998
  National Academy of Social Insurance
  21-29 1976-1991
5   1988-1997
6 1 National Conference on Social Welfare, 1972
  2 National Planning Assn., Policy Com. On Private Pensions, 1977-1979
  3-4 Pension Rights Center, 1983-1997
  5 Pepper Foundation, advisory board, 1991-1996
  6 Project Hope, committee on health policy, 1978
  Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  7 Chronic disease care program, 1978-1983
  8 Continuing care retirement communities study, 1981-1983
  9 Save our Security, 1979-1996
  10-11 Study Group on Social Security, 1981-1985
  12 Visiting Nurse Association of Northern Virginia, 1980-1981
  13-25 1938-1939; 1943-1944; 1947-1949; 1953, 1965, 1971-1984
7-9   1988-1996
10 1-8 1996-1997
  9 "Independent Legitimators in a Time of Social Insurance Consensus: the 1948 Advisory Council and Passage of the 1950 Amendments to the SS Act," James L. Dergay thesis, 1996
  10-23 1981-1982
11 1-23 1982-1983
  REORGANIZATION OF THE SSA, 1960-1967, 1976-1977
  24-26 1960-1963
12 1-30 1963-1967; 1976-1977
  31-33 1935-1936
13   1937-1944
14 1-22 1945 -1962
  EARLY FILES, 1935-1963
  Numbered subject files, 1945-1962
  23 AM-1-3 Pilot audit of the validity of claims evidence
  24 AM-1-3 Project: attendance at meetings
  25 AM-6-2 Routine distribution of Cong. hearings, reports, bills
  26 AM-7 Bureau pars (claims)
  27 AM-7 Studies--misc.
  28 AM-9 Field facilities
15 1-3 AM-9 Field facilities--regional boundaries
  4 AM-9 Observation on some problems arising from expansion of Bureau, S/B memo, 1960 Dec.
  5 AM-9 Regional office staffing
  6 AM-9-2 District offices: openings, space, misc.
  7 AM-9-2 Additional space--relocation of offices
  8 AM-9-2 Establishment of new district offices
  9 AM-9-2 Appraisal of field organization and mgt. in DHEW
  10 AM-9-2 Construction of district offices
  11 AM-9-4 Study of ind. district office mgt, operation, and org.
  12 AM-11 Reports management
  13 AM-13 Work measurement in staff jobs
  14 AM-14 Forecasts and guides
  15 AM-14 Work planning
  16 AM-14-2 Long range planning activities (Conference on the Public Service meeting--Ball attended)
  17 AM-14-2 Annual meeting on work emphases, 1961
  18 CL-1 Filing of claims at age 65
  19 CL-1-5 Bureau leads program
  20 CL-2 Reconsideration study (disallowance)
  21 CL-3 Material participation--court cases
  22 CL-3 Appeals process in OASDI
  23-24 CL-3-2 Court cases
  25 CL-6 Claims material
  26 CL-7 Beneficiary compliance survey
  27 CL-8 Reconstruction of lost claims
  28 CL-8 Direct mail development procedures
  29 CL-8 Developmental notices--SS-5 for use in claims process
  30 CL-8-9 Proof of age--paying for census transcripts
  31 CL-8-9-4 Census records--purchase of
  32 CL-9 Fraud--program connected
  33 CL-10 Checks--general
  34 CL-10 Combined check procedure
  35 CL-10-6 Checks--combined
  36 CL-10-6 Nonreceipt of checks--15-4 checks--misc.
  37 CL 15-4 Checks--misc.
  38 CL-16 Program administration abroad, 1956-1959
  39 CL-17-1-a Annual report of earnings--form OA-C777A
  40 DI Miscellaneous
  41 DI-2 Processing disability cases in district offices
  42 DI-2 District office--award form C-101
  43 DI-2-2 Study of Baltimore disability operations--task force
  44 DI-11 Medical advisory group
  45 DI-11 Evaluation of substantial gainful activities
  46 F-M-2-4 Staffing in the regions
16 1 PA-15 Financing--Trust Fund and Board of Trustees, 1962-63
  2 PA-31 Guides to staff regarding Advisory Councils
  3 PA-33-8 Speeches
  4 PA-37 Claims processing time--reports
  5 PA-37-1 Bureau productivity
  6 PE-6-2 Retirement, mandatory (age 70) policy
  7 PE-14-1 Claims rep and field reps--promotion
  8 PE 18-4 Use of race or color on SS-5 application for account no.
  9 PE 18-4 Non-discrimination--miscellaneous
  10 PI-2-3 New York's World's Fair
  11 PI-3-3 Swift--pamphlets--misc.
  12 PI-4-1 Chamber of Commerce
  13 TG Training
  14 TG-6-5 Education--OASDI center, college, etc.
  Alphabetical subject files, 1942-1944, 1953-1964
  15 80th anniversary of the Civil Service Act
  16 A/C Number procedures, misc.
  17 ADC study
  18 AFGE lodge
  19 Amish--television film and misc.
  20 Annual reports, DHEW
  21 APWA membership--Bureau affiliation
  22 Attorney Hamilton (Social Security activities)
  23 Audit activities--departmental internal
  24 Beneficiary rolls, planned activities to maintain integrity of, 1963
  25 BHA, misc.
  26 Broadening work experience program
  27 Budget, misc.
  28 Bureau's system of administrative surveys and audits
  29 California audit
  30 Civil defense--Bureau activities
  31 Civil service--inspection report
  32 Claims--advance filing award notices
  33 Claims examiner classification study
  34 Claims--overdevelopment in claims
  35 Clerk review function--elimination of payment center and DDO
  36 Commemorative stamp on Social Security
  37 Commissioner, May 1962
  38 Complaints, handling
  39 Confidential regional and field organization, 1961
  40 Consultants on Social Security, 1953
  41 Cooperative research and demonstration grant program
  42 Correspondence, misc.
  43 CSC--qualification standards for personnel officer--draft
  44 Cultural Center--drive--nationwide project, 1963
  45 Cyclical mailing of checks
  46 Development notices to district offices
  47 Disability case control
  48 Disability, misc.
  49 Disability--taking applications (deadline)
  50 Disclosing info from Social Security records & furnishing letter forwarding services, etc.confidentiality
  51 Discrimination
  52 District office construction
  53 Edwards, Leonard E.
  54 Electronic computer (small scale card)
  55 Employee conduct and responsibilities
  56 Employee health service, misc.
  57 Employee-management cooperation (DM reports) Ex. Order 10988
  58 Executive development program
  59 Federal Register--procedure for submittal to commissioner for approval
  60 Field organization and management
  61 Film showing, "The Long Haul," 1963
  62 Follow-up--division of program analysis
  63 Forecasts and guides
  64 Foreign Social Security systems, misc.
  65 Fraud--Michigan, misc.
  66 Futterman notes, misc.
  67 Grade allocations--RR and AAR
  68 Great Britain
  69 Hearing examiner decisions, review of
  70 Hospitality funds
  71 IBM 7080's, purchase of
  72 IRS--misc. operations
  73 IRS--Special audit for Social Security purposes
  74 JSF--routine procedure correspondence
  75 King letter
  76 Leads program
  77 Lobbying, funds for
  78 McCall, 1957
  79 Misc. notes--publications
  80 Missions abroad--administration of program
  81 Mobility--review of policy, 1963
  82 Nestor case--Supreme Court, 1961
17 1 Network alignments
  2 Operations research
  3 Personnel, Bureau, misc.
  4 Program planning and goal-setting
  5 Project: internal review--Bureau
  6 Project: programs for educational television
  7 Project: plan for location persons involved in a study of mental retardation, University of Nebraska, 1962
  8 Proposal for Bureau reports management study
  9 Race designation on forms--SS-5's
  10 Region IX--Simplification activities Title II
  11 R.J. Myers--actuarial study no. 52
  12 Research project, George Washington University
  13 Retirement booklet, "Planning for the Later Years," 1963
  14 Secretary's visit to the Bureau
  15 Social Security benefits
  16 SS-5, misc.
  17 State and local, misc.
  18 State unemployment: compensation laws--by Tixier, ILO, 1935
  19 Studies and reviews
  20 Study--first-check insurance, 1957-1960
  21 Study--levels of public understanding--nationwide
  22 Study--statistical activities--House P.O. and civil service exam
  23 Supergrades--misc.
  24 Survey of domestic coverage
  25 Mr. Swift, public information officer--misc. memos, 1962
  26-27 Technical training--OASI
  28 Unfinished business list, 1959-1960
  29 VC--personal--bill--CSC retirement. . .
  30 White House, misc.
    Secretarial files (1948, 1950-1963)
  31  Bureau director's meeting
List of people of national organizations to be invited to visit
  33 Banta
  34 Del do I-26
  35-36 Deputy Director/copies of everything
  37 Distribution / Del do
  38 Wilcox talk by VISTA , 1961
  39-40 DEW--misc. instructions (file or make notes or ??)
  41 Replies to letters sent with Secretary's testimony, 1961
  42 Letters
  43 Gradual retirement
  44 Drafts--McKenna memo survey group recommendations
  45 Confidential (appeals process--hearing examiners)
  46 Actuarial memo, 1961
  47  Ed Murrow, "See it Now"
  48  Conference org. manual--McKenna comment
  49  Confidential--organization (misc.) Bureau & personnel
  50  Survey of the Office of the Director, 1953
  51-52  Miscellaneous notes
  53  Travel, 1960-1962
  54  Confidential--misc. personnel
  55  O'Connor memo--hold
  56  Correspondence--legislative materials sent to
  57 Division of Management--misc. memoranda, 1962
  58 Lipinski 
  59-64  [Untitled]
18 1-7 [Untitled]
     Other files
  8 Correspondence--misc., 1935-1953
  9 Curtis, Congressmen, (1953-1955)
  10 Meyer, Mrs. Eugene (Agnes), 1949-1956
  11 "Report on survey of statistical program," by Kaplan, 1940
  12-13 SSA Manual, 1940-1952
  14 Basic Principles--discussion group, 1944-1945
  15 University-Government Center on SSA, 1949
  16 Names and addresses--misc. (possible use Altmeyer & others), 1953
  17-20  Majorie Shearon, Challenge to Socialism, 1952-1950
  21  "OASI Program Notes," 1952-1953; 1959-1962 [incomplete]
  22  Consultative SS Committee, 1st meeting, 1953
  23  OASI in the Philippines, 1953-1957
  24  "Bureau Objectives--rev. 1958," 1954-1960
  25  Misc. notes--New Hampshire, 1955-1956
  26  Material taken and sent to New Hampshire, 1957-1959
  27  Electronic programming for statistics, 1955-1956
  28  Bureau comm. on IRS relations--Lowery, 1955-1959
19 1 IRS--letter to Scribner re audits, 1955-1961
  2 Delegations affecting regional directors, 1956 
  3  Federal OASI trust fund--process of accounting, 1956
  4-5  Directing the Bureau--draft, 1956-1961
  6  Bureau workload reporting system study, 1957
  7  Standards and measures of adequacy of SS benefits and payments (working group) DPA, 1957
  8  Bureau review, 1958
  9  Memos--data processing, 1958-1959
  10 Employee memorials [proposal], 1960-1961
  11 Dynamic pension plans [proposed to adjust benefits to changes in earnings levels], 1961
  12  Selected materials from the files of the HIB staff, 1961
  13-14 Memos, 1959-1961 
  15 Trust Fund, 1958-1959 
  16  "Director's Bulletin," 1959-1962 [incomplete]
  17-35  [Untitled]
  Commissioner, Social Security Administration (SSA), 1962-1973
20 1 Congratulatory letters on appointment, 1962 April [M-Z]
  2-4  Assistant Secretary for Legislation, 1961-1963
  5-14  Celebrezze, Anthony J., 1962 August-1965 August
    Cohen, Wilbur J.,  
  15-27 1965 May-1966 Nov.
21   1966 Dec.-1968 Nov.
22 1-4 1968 Dec.-1969 March
  5-24 Finch, Robert H., 1968 Dec.-1970 June
23 1-15 Gardner, John W., 1965 July-1968
  16-19 Myers, Robert J., 1964
  20-21 Mitchell, W.L., 1961 Jan.-May
  Richardson, Elliot L.
24   1970 June-1971 August
25   1971 Sept.-1972 June
26 1-11 1972 July-1973 Jan.
  Veneman, John,  
  12-25 1969 Feb.-1970 July
27 1-17 1970 August-1973 Jan.
  18-29 Alphabetical correspondence
  30 Memos and correspondence, misc., 1962-1971
  Legislative files
  31 Legislative proposals, 1959 
  32 Legislation--S.1 and HR 1, 1964 
  33 Current Legislation, 1967 
  34  Legislative proposals, 1968
  35  Current legislative program, 1968
  36-37  Legislation, 1972
28 1-2 Ribicoff hearing on rising health care costs, 1968-1972
  3-18  Senate Finance Committee, 1965-1975
  19 Javits, Sen. Jacob, National Health Insurance bill, 1969
  20 Curtis, Sen. Carl, 1968
  21 Byrd, Sen. Harry, 1966
  22 Long, Sen. Russell B., 1970 
  23 Flood, Cong. Daniel, 1967, 1972
  24 Anderson, Sen. Clinton P., 1966-1969 
  25-26 Prouty, Sen., 1966 
  27 Byrnes, Cong. John W. 1967-1970 
  28 Griffiths, Rep. Martha W., 1970-1972
  29 Curtis, Cong. Thomas B., 1965-1968
     Committee on Ways and Means
  30-33 1962, 1969 
29 1-6 1969-1971
  7 Miller Amendment, 1966
  8 Legislative memos and notes, confidential, 1971 
  9 [Untitled] 1973 
  10-14  Mills, Cong. Wilbur, 1969-1974
  15-17  Legislative testimony, 1967-1973
  18-24  Wilbur J Cohen--legislative, 1964-1966
  25-26  Personnel inquiries--Wilbur Cohen, 1966-1969
30 1-6  Personnel matters, 1961-1972
  7-14  Commissioner's Actions and Decisions, 1963-1967, 1971-1973
  Notes to exec. staff and hdqrs. personnel
  15-27  1964 August-1968 Jan.
31   1968 Feb.-1969 July
32 1-16  1969 August-1973 March
  Notes to Betty Dillon
  17-35 1964-1970 August 
33 1-13 1970 Sept.-1973 March 
  White House
  14 Special Johnson program reports, 1965-1967
  15  [Untitled] 1966-1967
  16  Report to the President on 1st year of Medicare and Medicaid, 1967
  17  Signing ceremony [SS amendments], 1967
  18  Highlights of exec. reorganization--Reform, Renewal for the '70s.
  19  White House Conference on Aging, 1971
  20  White House Conference on Health, 1965
  21-31 General, 1966-1973
  Committees, conferences, councils, task forces
  32  Advisory Council on Health Insurance for the Disabled, 1968-1969
34 1-3  Business Council Liaison Committee, HEW, 1967
  4  Cabinet Committee on Federal Staff Retirements, 1966
  5-6  Health Insurance Benefits Advisory Council--appts., 1967-1968
  7-9 President's Commission on Income Maintenance Programs (Heineman Commission), 1967-1969
  10-11 Task Force on Health, 1968-1969
  12-15 Task Force on Income Maintenance, 1964-1966 
    Other files 
  16 OASI and Disability Insurance Trust Funds, Board of Trustees annual report, 1964
  17 Assistant Regional Representation Conference, Indianapolis, 1963
  18  Hospital insurance, 1962-1963
  19  Interviews and articles, 1963-1975
  20  Drugs, 1968-1973
  21 LBJ and Medicare, 1965-1966 
  22  "Editorial and News Reaction to the Beginning of Medicare," 1966
  23-25  Poverty
  26  Balance of payments 1964-1965
  27  [Hansen Amendment 1972]
  28 Retirement test 
35 1 Payment Center chiefs' meeting, 1963
  2 Q and A book, 1963
  3-11 Electronic Data Systems Federal Corp./Ross Perot [Medicare data processing], 1969-1973
  12 Comments on Pechman mss., 1967-1968
  13  New Hampshire, 1963
  14  [Clippings re: discrimination, etc.]
  15  33rd Anniversary SSA, 1968
  16 Organizational charts
  17-18  Memos, 1962-1966
  19  "World of Folk Music" radios series--Ball messages, 1961
  20-22  Platforms--Democratic and Republican
  23  "Commissioners' Bulletin," 1963-1970 [incomplete]
  24-25  Trust Fund, 1963-1967
36 1 Commissioner swearing-in, 1962 March 17
  2 President Johnson--Social Security record 
  3  Otts report, 1971
  4-5  Medicare annual reports, 1968-1972
  6-8  Supplementary medical insurance premium, 1967-1973
  9-10  Tips--coverage under Social Security, 1964-1966
  11-12  Kiddie Care, 1968, 1972
  13  Private pension relationship
  14 Alternatives and criticism
  15 Public persuasion 
  16 Legislative--poverty 
  17 Medicare
  18 1973 program objectives
  19 Reimbursement formula--research 
  20 Young worker--money worth (SS reform--media and PR)
  21 Annual reporting 1965 
  22-23 Implementation of Medicare
  24 Cabinet presentation on Medicare 
  25 AFL-CIO [health care reform letters], 1970-1971
  26  Impatient hospital deductible, 1970-1972
  27  Health maintenance organization, 1970
  28  Catastrophic illness insurance plan, 1971
37 1 Legislation, benefit increase, 1970-1971
  2 "Social Security and Federal Employment" report,1965 
  3 "Relating SS Protection to the Federal Civil Service" report, 1969 
  4 "Report of the SSA Advisory Committee on Personnel Practices in Baltimore," 1964
  5 "Progress of the Kennedy Administration in Health, Education, Welfare, Social Security, and Rehabilitation" DHEW, 1963 
  6  "Assignment of the Commissioner of Social Security," 1972
  7-10  Black lung
  11-14 Proposals for national health insurance #1
  15-17 Proposals for national health insurance #2
  18-20 Family assistance plan #3
  21-23 Current cost financing, 1972
  24 President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy [release of SS information to]
     Ball resignation/ouster
  25 Congressional Record
  26 Letters received
  27-28 Clippings
38 1 Miscellany
  2-10 [Untitled]
  Daily chronological files
  11-33 1973 Nov.-1986 July
39   1968 August-1993 Dec
40 1 1994 Jan.-May
  2 Bethell, Tom, n.d. 
  3 Cavanaugh, Francis X, 1996
  4 Cohen, Wilbur J, 1969-1987
  5 Cuomo, Mario, 1988
  6-7 Munnell, Alicia H, 1985-1996
  8-10 Myers, Robert J. 1970-1993
  11-12 Wickenden, Elizabeth [1981-1988]
  13-28 General, 1977-1998
    Other files 
41 1 Biographies of others, misc.
  2 Railroad retirement, 1974
  3-4 Carter Campaign, 1976
  5 Discussion items concerning assumptions for 1978 trustees report cash benefits
  6 Social Security 50th anniversary, 1985
  7 Connecticut long term care plan, 1987
  8-9 Presidential campaign, 1988
  10-13 Health plan--filling the gaps, 1990-1991
  14-18 [Health care reform/proposals] 1990-1994
  19 [NY health care plan, 1992]
  20 Trout chapter on 82-83 (1993 draft)
  21 Trout project 1996
  22 [Means testing, 1993-1994]
  23-24 [SSA transition to independent agency, 1984, 1994]
  25 Solomon Bills and Nick Smith, 1995-1996
  26 Recent charts and tables, 1996
  27 Act and destroy [long-term entitlement reform]
  28 "Preserving and Strengthening Medicare," Marilyn Moon and Karen Davis
  29 Ad Hoc Task Force on the Social Security Surplus, 1988
  30 "Social Security: A Sound and Durable Institution of Great Value [White Paper], 1975
  31 "Restoring Public Confidence in Social Security Financing" [White Paper and notes from meeting the President], 1977
42 1-2 Entitlement Reform Commission, 1993-1995
  3 Carnegie Corporation, 1988-1990
  4 Congress Office of Technology Assessment, Advisory Committee on Health, 1976-1980
  5 Milbank Memorial Fund, 1991-1992
  6 Families USA Foundation, 1985-1991
  7 Democratic Advisory Council, 1974-1980
  8-9 Democrats for the '80s
  10-11 White House Conferences on Aging, 1980-1981, 1995
  12 Roosevelt, James, National Committee to Preserve SS, 1986-1987
  13-29 [Untitled]
43   [Untitled]
44 1-13 [Untitled]
  Testimony, speeches and writings
  Articles, indexed
  14-29 1963-1973
45 1-2 1971-1973
  3-21 1947-1967 March
46   1967 April-1974 April
47   1974 May-1978 Oct.
48   1978 Nov.-1983 
49   1984-1989 March 
50 1-14 1989 April-1998, n.d. 
  Books and book chapters
  Social Security Today and Tomorrow, c1978
  15 Copy of book
  16 Correspondence
  17 Reviews
  18-23 Drafts
51 1-3 Background[?]
  4 Book material--revision
  Because We're all in this Together, with Thomas N. Bethell, c1989
  5 Copy of book 
  6 Mailings
  7 Correspondence
  8 Reviews
  9-21 Miscellaneous drafts of books and book chapters, 1974-1997 
Sound recordings, 1951-1973 [7" reels unless noted]
1 1-22 Executive staff meetings, 1966 April-1972 Oct.
  23-35 Operational planning meetings, 1968 July-1973 Jan.
2 36-41 Work plan meetings, 1968 July-1971 Jan.
  42 Robert Ball, 1951 Feb. 27. Reel 12. 26 minutes.
  43 Robert Ball, Riverside conference, 1954 Feb. 16. Reel 1, 30 minutes
  44 Robert Ball, 1954 Feb. Reel 2. 30 minutes
  45 Speech and questions, Miami, 1961 Nov. 15. Reel #1
  46-47 Robert Ball program, 1962 April 25 
  48-49 Youth forum--value of your times, 1963 May 9
  50 Atlanta regional conference, 1968 Oct. 30
  51 Commissioners action mtg. proof of age, 1969 Jan. 27. Side 1 reel 1
  52 Proof of age, 1969 Feb. 4. Reel #2 side 2
  53 Cam meeting, 1969 Dec. 8. # 1 side 1
  54 Ball talk to regional commissioners--# 8 housing, 25 adult assistance, 150, philosophy of adult assistance + SS, 270 questions and discussions, 1971 May or June
  55 Robert Ball speech, 1971 June 4
  56 Futterman, 1971 April 3; Questions to Mr. Ball, 1971 June 4
  57 Account number systems meeting with AEH, 1971 June 15. Side 1 
  58 Exec staff. Start Mr. Ball--Significance of SS amendments. 274 status of pending legislation. 1972 July 7.  
  59 Robert Ball, SSA national conference, 1972 Nov. 14. Tape 1
  60 SSI Conference, 1972 Nov. 27. Hess & Ball Whittier intro. Hess approx. #300 2nd side. Tape 1 of 3 
  61 Commonwealth Club of California, San Francisco, 1973 Jan. 5
  62-63 Robert Ball, n.d. Reels 1 and 2.
  64 Robert Ball, gerontology conference, n.d.
  65 Ball auditorium farewell, 1973 2 sides. Last side mostly responses 
  66 Program, Florence's dinner, n.d.
  67-68 Mr. Cohen's reception, n.d.
  69-70  [Untitled, n.d.]
  71 Macintosh Awards, n.d. [4" reel] 
  72 [Untitled, n.d., 3" reel] 
  73 "Social Security--Pros & Cons" George S. Macko & Ball, Catholic Health Assembly Dallas, 1981 June 2 [cassette]
  74-75 Possibilities for Atlanta job, from New Hampshire misc. notes folder, 1955-1956 [2 6 ½" plastic discs]


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