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Informational and Training Videos

The following videos are provided as a courtesy of the AQMD, and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and are intended for informational purposes only. Each video is provided in two video streaming formats: (1)Broadband for DSL, cable modem, and T1 users; and (2)dialup for those connecting to the Internet from a traditional modem (maximum transfer rate 56.6 Kbps).  Video streaming is a new addition to the website.  Additional titles will be added as they become available.

Informational Videos


A Breath of Air                                                 (Espanol)
Provided in English and Spanish, this documentary video explores the impacts of air pollution on the health of children . Produced by the California Air Resources Board, the run time of this video is 26:33 minutes.
Clearing California Skies (English Only)
Produced by the California Air Resources Board, this 12 minute video provides an overview of the smog problem in Southern California since 1943 and the dramatic improvements in air quality over the past 50 years. 
Hydrogen: The Safe and Clean Fuel  (English Only)          
Hosted by actress Alexandra Paul, this video provides an introduction to new hydrogen fuel technologies and explains why this fuel source provides and environmental sound approach to meeting the world's energy needs. Produced by Hydrogen 2000, the run time is 27:10 minutes.
With Every Breath: Health Effects of Smog        (Espanol)
Despite vast improvements over the years, California still has big air pollution problems. This video illustrates where SMOG comes from, how it is formed, how it harms your body, and who is most vulnerable. Produced by the California Air Resources Board, the run time of this video is 18:56 minutes.

Public Service Announcements (PSA)

Clean Air Congress PSA (2002)                          (Espanol)  
This 30 second video was produced by AQMD to emphasize the importance of cleaning the air and to encourage Southern Californians to join the Clean Air Congress.

End Smog PSA (1998)  (English Only)  
Ed Begley Jr. summarizes the clean air advances made over the past 50 years and encourages the public to take a more active role in California's fight for clean air.  This one minute video was produced by the California Air Resources Board.

Disclaimer - These videos are made available as a courtesy for all interested parties, and AQMD will make every reasonable effort to provide this service in a reliable and consistent manner.  However, since there are various factors that could affect the Internet or end-user connections to this service, the availability and quality of this service can not be guaranteed.