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News from Scientists at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Monday, March 4, 2002

Patuxent's Sparling to Serve as Co-Chair of Symposium on Multiple Stressor Effects in Relation to Declining Amphibian Populations

Dr Don Sparling will serve as one of the co-chairs of the ASTM Symposium on Multiple Stressor Effects in Relation to Declining Amphibian Populations. The Symposium, sponsored by ASTM Committee E47 on Biological Effects and Environmental Fate, will be held on April 14-16, 2002 in Pittsburgh, PA.

Contact: Dr Donald W. Sparling (301-497-5723)

Clint Moore to Present Results of Adaptive Management Research at Partners in Flight Conference in Monterey, CA

Forest bird management under uncertainty: Managers of many forests are charged with maintaining habitats that support bird populations, but different bird species in a forest respond to the same management action in different ways. Predicting species trade-offs brought about by a proposed action requires an understanding of how populations respond to that action. By coupling forest management with monitoring, managers acquire information that helps them to understand these responses and to modify their future decisions. USGS scientist Clint Moore will present results of his adaptive management research at the Third International Partners In Flight Conference held 20-24 March, 2002, in Monterey, California. His talk will focus on forest decision modeling at the Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge in Georgia, where populations of forest-interior songbirds, such as the wood thrush, occur with the red-cockaded woodpecker, an endangered species dependent on prescribed burning, forest canopy reduction, and other intensive forest management practices.

Contact: Dr Clinton T. Moore (706-542-1609) 

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center , Laurel, MD, USA
Contact: Director
Last modified: 03/07/2002
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