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Welcome to ANREP!

Upcoming Events

Webinars from ANREP’s 2008 Conference

Several Presenters took the time to create webinars of their presentation. If you missed the meeting or wanted to refresh what you learned, click here

ANREP will be in Fairbanks, Alaska - June 2010

7th Natural Resource Extension Professionals Conference

Sunday June 27 – Wednesday June 30, 2010
University of Alaska Fairbanks

This event will build on the networking opportunities of past meetings. This conference will offer opportunities to develop multi-state projects around topic of your choice. Tours will focus on climate change, energy, natural resource use and community development. Plan now to attend.

A call for papers will be forthcoming late in 2008 or early 2009.

Visit ANREP Conference 2010 for more information.

2008 ANREP Membership Survey Results

To view the results of the survey, click here

Learn More...

To learn more about ANREP, click here

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