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News from Scientists at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Monday, June 7, 2004


The Godfather of his Flock

The article in the Washington Post was referring to Chan Robbins, "America's foremost birder is still tramping the woods at age 85. And across the country, a multitude of people is following in his steady footsteps, identifying birds from guides he edited, counting birds for studies he designed and pursuing conservation projects drawn from his research. During his long career, Robbins has helped stoke a national passion for birding, now the second most popular recreation activity among Americans. His early bird surveys helped document the far-reaching effects of DDT and contributed to the U.S. ban on the pesticide in 1972. This founding father of modern ornithology reports to work as he has for 59 years at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center where he is the Center's longest-serving employee."

Contact Chandler Robbins, Laurel, MD, 301-497-5641

Osprey Status in Chesapeake Bay

Barnett Rattner received a call and telephone interview from David Fahrenthold of the Washington Post regarding our work and findings with ospreys in Chesapeake Bay.

Contact Barnett A. Rattner , Laurel, MD, 301-497-5624

Salt Marshes of Southeastern US

Charles Seabrook of Atlanta Journal Constitution (AJC) called Joe Meyers for an interview on a book he his writing on salt marshes of the SE US (a book about culture and science). Dr. Meyers will cover interest in Swainson's Warblers, Painted Bunting and its use of marshes on the Georgia Coast .

Contact Joe Meyers, Athens, GA 706-542-1882

2003 Revision of Breeding Bird Survey Analysis and Summary Website Now Available!

The Summary and Population Analysis Website is a unique resource for bird population information, providing trend information for more than 420 species from the North American Breeding Bird Survey. Updates in the 2003 revision provide new tools and data summaries for conservationists and managers. Users can now access population trend information and annual index graphics for individual survey routes, states, Provinces, Bird Conservation Regions, and many other regions. Custom analyses can be conducted interactively for estimation of population change by species for any time period between 1966 and 2003. Analysis of composite population change for species groups can be conducted for the entire survey period and for 1966 -1979 and 1980 - 2003 subintervals. New maps of species relative abundance and population change incorporate the most recent data. Geographic information system (GIS) data that correspond to the maps are now available from the website. GIS users can now download shape files to display BBS data for survey routes, United States Counties, or a grid covering the survey area. Interactive species richness analysis programs permit statistically valid comparisons of richness between survey routes. Metadata are linked to the site to document data quality and analysis methods. Interactive analysis programs associated with this site also link directly to both the USGS Electronic National Atlas and the NBII Bird Conservation Node. The website address is

Contact: John R. Sauer, Laurel, MD, 301-497-5662


HiLites Contact: Regina Lanning, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 301-497-5509

See Previous HiLites:

June 2, 2003
June 16, 2003

June 23, 2003

July 7, 2003

August 11, 2003

November 10, 2003

December 15, 2003

March 15, 2004
May 3, 2004
May 17, 2004
May 24, 2004

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center , Laurel, MD, USA
Contact: Director
Last modified: 06/15/2004
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