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News from Scientists at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Monday, January 13, 2003

USGS ICEBIRG Workshop Results to be Published in the Comments Section of the January 2003 Issue of the Auk

The results of a USGS ICEBIRG workshop that focused on avian research science are to be published in the Comments Section of the January 2003 issue of The Auk: Ruth, J. M., D. R. Petit, J. R. Sauer, M. D. Samuel, F. A. Johnson, M. D. Fornwall, C. E. Korschgen, and J. P. Bennett. IN PRESS. Science for avian conservation: priorities for the new millennium. The Auk.

Held at the National Wildlife Visitors Center in 2000, many Patuxent research scientists participated in the workshop. Patuxent employee John Sauer participated in the Steering Committee, which was chaired by Janet

Ruth (USGS, Fort Collins Science Center). In the workshop, USGS bird research and monitoring was discussed in the context of the needs for regional bird conservation associated with the North American Bird Conservation Initiative. A white paper was prepared based on the recommendations made during the workshop, and it is available at 

Contacts: John Sauer 301.497.5662 and Janet Ruth 505.346.2870 x14 

USGS Patuxent Scientists Well-Represented at the North American Crane Working Group in Sacramento from January 21-24, 2003 

The North American Crane Working Group (NACWG) will hold its Ninth Conference in Sacramento, CA from January 21-24, 2003. NACWG Conferences are held once every 3-4 years. For more information on the NACWG, refer to their website at . This site also contains proceedings of previous workshops.

The attached list of scientific sessions finds USGS-Patuxent well represented at the Ninth Conference by the presence of Patuxent scientists including George Gee, Jeffrey S Hatfield, Jared Kwitowski, Jane Nicolich, and Glenn Olsen. All are authors or speakers.

Contact: Dr Glenn Olsen 301.497.5603

NACW Sessions Word Document link


16 Patuxent-Reared Whooping Crane Chicks Complete Migration Behind Ultralight to Florida; 5 Birds from Last Year Also Returned to Florida on Their Own

The whooping crane migration was successfully completed on November 30, with 16 Patuxent-reared chicks making the flight behind ultra-lights in 49 days. In addition, the 5 birds from last year have migrated back to Wisconsin and then returned to Florida on their own, which tells us we're definitely on the right track. Most of the information about the migrations is posted on the most recent Patuxent whooping crane report: 

Contact: Kathleen O'Malley 301.497.5609

Patuxent Scientist Dawson was one of Event Coordinators for Workshop on Cerulean Warblers 

A workshop on Cerulean Warblers was held December 17-19, 2002, at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV. The workshop, funded by the USGS FWS Science Support Partnership Program, brought together 65 participants from federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, academia, and private industry, including several biologists from Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador, where Cerulean Warblers winter. Work groups formulated action plans for new collaborative and integrated research, monitoring, and conservation initiatives that will address the information and conservation needs of this species of concern. These initiatives will serve as a model for hemispheric conservation efforts for other species or species groups. Deanna Dawson served as the event coordinator, organizing the workshop along with Petra Wood of the USGS WV Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Tom Will and Amy Salveter of USFWS Region 3, and Patrick Keyser of MeadWestvaco. Deanna and Pat were designated as co-chairs of the Coordinating Committee of the Cerulean Warbler Technical Working Group. John Sauer also participated in the workshop, and presented a paper (co-authored by Bill Link) on estimation of population change in Cerulean Warblers from North American Breeding Bird Survey data.

Contact: Deanna Dawson 301-497-5642

HiLites Contact: B.H. Powell, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 301-497-5782

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center , Laurel, MD, USA
Contact: Director
Last modified: 01/14/2003
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