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Safe Communities Program


Safe Community Program 

The Department of Transportation’s number one highway priority is safety. Every year more than 100 people die on our highways and thousands more are injured in senseless collisions that could have been prevented if people obeyed traffic laws, used occupant protection and didn’t drive under the influence of intoxicants.

The department has recently revitalized its highway safety program with a new pro-active approach. The name has been changed to the Safe Community Program to reflect its new direction. The goal is simple–we want to reduce injuries and fatalities from traffic crashes in Hawaii.

The Safe Community Program has a multi-pronged approach. It:

  • Works with traffic engineers to design and sign highways to make them as safe and efficient as possible.
  • Works with law enforcement officers to enforce our traffic laws.
  • Works with the media and others to provide education and information to the public about safe driving habits.
  • Works with community groups to validate traffic concerns for their neighborhoods, and to work to resolve those problems.
  • Provides accurate and timely data on traffic crashes in Hawaii.
  • Works with the Governor’s Highway Safety Council and County Traffic Safety Councils to assure that information about the program is disseminated widely and that there is opportunity for input at all levels.
  • Provides federal grants to agencies and Safe Community groups that want to help us with our goal.

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RFP 2006

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