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China Local time: 06:50 AM

Hot Sheet - March 26, 2003

Hot of the Press:
1. Beijing Selects 3 Finalists in National Stadium Design Competition
2. Information Regarding Sponsorship for Beijing 2008

1. Beijing Selects 3 Finalists in National Stadium Design Competition
(Source:, March 26, 2003)
On March 25, 2003, the first round of results for the Design Competition for Beijing's 2008 Olympic Games National Stadium were released.
Of the 13 designs submitted, the selection committee chose three designs as finalists. The three remaining designs will be on display at the International Conference Center in Beijing until March 31st, and those interested may cast their vote for their favorite design. The winning design will ultimately be chosen by judging panel, which will take the public vote into consideration.
The three remaining designs were submitted by the following:
1. Herzog & de Meuron Architekten AG (H & de M) / Switzerland (Joint Venture)
a. Herzog & de Meuron Architekten AG (H & de M) Switzerland
b. China Architecture Design & Research Group (CAG) China

2. Beijing Institute of Architectural Design and Research China

3. AXS SAWTO INC./ Japan (Joint Venture)
b. Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University China

2. Information Regarding Sponsorship for Beijing 2008
(Source: CS Beijing, Kellie Holloway, March 24, 2003)

In a phone call this week with BOCOG’s Supplier Sponsorship Department Director Li Zhiquan, CS Beijing confirmed the following information regarding corporate donations/sponsorship related to the Beijing 2008 Olympics:

The responsible department for donations:

Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG)
Supplier Sponsorship Department
Mr. Li Zhiquan, Director
Tel: (8610) 84022008-87191
Fax: (8610) 64005507

Director Li said that by the end of this May they will release the sponsorship plan. They will set up a bottom line of the total value for the donations. There will be three levels of sponsorship, according to different values of the donation. Within these categories, each will enjoy different benefits. For example, benefits will include use the Olympic logo, or some other kind of advertisement for the enterprise. The specific procedure of the application, these three categories of donation, and the corresponding benefits for sponsor will be released in May 2003.

Interested US companies may send him an email introduction of your company, product descriptions, price, specific requirements for donation, company logo, and contact information. This can be provided in English or Chinese. We recommend details be sent in both languages.

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