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China Local time: 06:48 AM

Hot Sheet - October 31, 2002

Hot of the Press:

1. Beijing Municipal Planning Commission Announces International Design Competition for Beijing 2008 National Stadium

2. “Procedures to Participate” in National Stadium Design Competition Released (November 20, 2002 deadline to submit pre-qualification forms)

1. Beijing Development Planning Commission Announces International Design Competition for Beijing 2008 National Stadium

Beijing Municipal Government plans to build a national stadium in Beijing Olympic Green. The stadium should has multi-functions and could be used for the opening and closing ceremony, track and field events of the 29th Olympic Games and for the grand sports and cultural activities after the Olympic Games. Beijing Municipal Planning Commission, authorized by Beijing Municipal Government and The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG), will sponsor an international architectural scheme competition to reach the decision of the scheme of conceptual design of the National Stadium. For this purpose BMPC sincerely invite world wide innovative and experienced architecture design corporations (legally registered), as individual or as a joint tenderer to take part in the architectural scheme competition.

The Agent for the competition: Beijing Science Park Auction & Bidding Co. Ltd.

1. The purpose of the competition

1) The National Stadium development will be jointly invested by which is composed of two portions, one portion will be invested by the authorized Corporation who invests on behalf of Beijing Municipal Government, the other portion will be invested by the project corporation who will be selected through tendering procedures. Therefore, it is required to determine a framework architectural scheme to serve as the chief source for both parties to make a decision of the scheme of the National Stadium jointly.

2) To choose an optimum conceptual architectural scheme through competition that could ensure the National Stadium turn to be an architectural landmark representing the image of the New Beijing.

2. Brief introduction of the project - The National Stadium will be located in Beijing Olympic Green and the seating capacity should be 80,000 permanent and 20,000 temporary during the 29th Olympic Games. It should embody the concept of "High-tech Olympics, Green Olympics and Human's Olympics". The stadium should have a retractable roof and comprehensive functions to satisfy to the demand of grand sport, Cultural and exhibition activities.

3. Brief introduction of the competition procedures.
The competition has two phases, the first one is pre-qualification, and the second is competition.
We will release the news of Architecture scheme competition for the conceptual design of the Nation Stadium to the whole world. Every interested design corporation should apply for pre-qualification and submit the pre-qualification documents within a fixed time. The sponsor will arrange a evaluation according to the corporation's experience, its architects qualifications and experience and select to take part in the competition about 10 corporations as competitors.

According to the pre-qualification result the sponsor will send formal invitation to the competitors to invite them to take part in the competition. They should submit their Architecture schemes of concept design of the National Stadium at the fixed date. The sponsor will organize the evaluation of the architecture schemes and select the candidates of schemes.

4. Access to the “Competition Pre-qualification Document for the National Stadium Architecture Conceptual design Scheme".

1) International applicants may download the "competition pre-qualification documents for the National Stadium Architecture Conceptual Design Scheme" via the website of The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) and the website of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission (,; (The website will be available from 9:00 am Oct.29, 2002 Beijing time)

2) Applicants may ask for the "Competition Pre-qualification Document for the National Stadium Architecture Conceptual Design Scheme" at the following time and address.

Time: Oct. 29th - Nov.4 (9:00-17:00, Beijing time)
Address: 18 Floor, Beijing Municipal Planning Commission
No. 60, Nanlishilu, Xicheng District, Beijing
Tel: 86-10-68052299-2500
Fax: 86-10-68034099

5. Submission of pre-qualification document.
The applicants should submit the pre-qua doc according to the requirements, the pre-qualification document should be stamped and signed by the person who has authority and hand over or mail directly to the sponsor. The deadline for the pre-qualification is at 14:00 of Nov. 20th, 2002 (Beijing time).

2. “Procedures to Participate” in National Stadium Design Competition Released (November 20, 2002 deadline to submit pre-qualification forms)

To download a copy of the pre-qualification form, follow this link:

Entrusted by Beijing Municipal Government and The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG), Beijing Municipal Planning Commission, is intending to call for an international architectural scheme competition of conceptual design of the National Stadium.

1. Project brief:

1.1 Project Entity - The project entity will be a joint venture corporation formed by an organization funded and authorized by Beijing People's Government and the successful bidder determined through tendering process. Such corporation will be responsible for the investment, construction, operation and transfer of the project.

1.2 Project location - The project is located in the Olympic Green in Beijing

1.3 The Capacity of the stadium - The seating capacity of the stadium should be designed and constructed to accommodate 100,000 people, in which 80,000 permanent seats and 20,000 temporary seats to be installed during the 29th Olympic Games.

1.4 The functional demand - The stadium should be a modern, high-tech and multiple function stadium with a retractable roof satisfying the demand of grand sports events, cultural and exhibition activities.

1.5 Design Concept - The architectural scheme of the National Stadium should reflect the concept of "High-tech Olympics, Green Olympics and Human's Olympics".

1.6 Main Use of Project

1.6.1 Opening and Closing Ceremonies
1.6.2 Track and Field athletics of the Olympic Games
1.6.3 Sport and Performance after the Olympic Games

1.7 The Sponsor

Beijing Municipal Planning Commission
Address: 18 Floor, Beijing Municipal Planning Commission
No. 60, Nanlishilu, Xicheng District, Beijing (100045), P.R. China
Persons to Contact: Ms Zhang Zhijie, Ms. Xing Yali
Tel: 86-10-68052299-2500
Fax: 86-10-68034099, 86-10-68052299-2500

1.8 The Competition Agent - Beijing Science Park Auction & Bidding Co. Ltd.

2. Procedure to Participate

2.1 Design corporations who intend to participate in the competition shall, as per stated in this announcement, obtain the "Application Forms for Pre-qualification" and submit the Application Letter for Pre-qualification to the Sponsor.

2.2 Design Corporations who intend to participate in the competition shall fill all forms as required by the "Application Forms", and submit all the forms for pre-qualification to the Sponsor at the time, in the manner and to the address required by this document.

2.3 The Sponsor shall shortlist about 10 design corporations who have submitted the Application Letter and Pre-qualification Forms based on their qualification and design experience from related projects and invite those short-listed corporations to participate the competition.

2.4 The Design Corporations who are invited to participate in competition shall, upon the receipt of the invitation letter and at its option, confirm the participation and provide a competition bid security to the Sponsor.

2.5 The Sponsor shall, upon the receipt of the confirmation letter and competition bid security, issue the competition documents to the design corporations who decide to participate the competition.

3. Obtaining of Pre-qualification Forms

3.1 Download from the Website:

Website of The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) :
Website of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission:
(The above websites will be opened from 9:00 Am Oct.29, 2002, Beijing time)

3.2 Claim from the Office:

Time: 9:00 AM ~ 17:00, Oct 29 to Nov. 4, 2002
Location: 18th Floor, Beijing Municipal Planning Commission
No. 60, Nanlishi Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100045
Tel.: 86-10-68052299 Ext. 2500
Fax: 86-10-68034099, 86-10-68052299 Ext. 2500

4. Submission of Pre-qualification Forms

Design Corporations who intend to participate the competition shall, as per required, deliver or mail to the Sponsor the filled pre-qualification forms (dully signed and sealed). The deadline for the submission shall be 14:00 sharp of November 20, 2002 (Beijing time) and the later submission shall not be accepted.

5. Other Matters

5.1 Language - All the documents, including correspondences, in relation to this competition process shall be in Chinese and English. In case of inconsistency, the Chinese version shall prevail.

5.2 Applicable Laws - This competition process and all activities in relation to this competition shall be governed by the laws of P.R. China.

To download a copy of the pre-qualification form, follow this link:

Editor: David Snodgrass

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