Illinois General Assembly

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House Committees     95th General Assembly
Adoption Reform ADPT Not ScheduledBills
Aging HAGI Not ScheduledBills
Agriculture & Conservation HAGC Not ScheduledBills
Approp-Elementary & Secondary Educ HAPE Not ScheduledBills
 - 8th District Education Oversight SuHAPE-HDEO Not ScheduledBills
Appropriations-General Service HAPG Not ScheduledBills
Appropriations-Higher Education HAPI Not ScheduledBills
Appropriations-Human Services HAPH Not ScheduledBills
Appropriations-Public Safety HAPP Not ScheduledBills
Bio-Technology HBIO Not ScheduledBills
Committee of the Whole HCWL Not ScheduledBills
Computer Technology HCOM Not ScheduledBills
Consumer Protection HCON Not ScheduledBills
DCFS Oversight HDCF Not ScheduledBills
Disability Services HDIS Not ScheduledBills
Disparities in Educational AchievemHDEA Not ScheduledBills
Drivers Education & Safety HDES Not ScheduledBills
Elections & Campaign Reform HECR ScheduledBills
Electric Utility Oversight HEUD Not ScheduledBills
Elementary & Secondary Education HELM Not ScheduledBills
 - Accountability, Subcommittee on EleHELM-ACCT Not ScheduledBills
Environment & Energy HENE Not ScheduledBills
 - Air Subcommittee HENE-SAIR Not ScheduledBills
 - Environmental Quality Subcommittee HENE-SEQU Not ScheduledBills
 - Solid Waste Subcommittee HENE-SSSW Not ScheduledBills
 - Water Subcommittee HENE-SWTR Not ScheduledBills
Environmental Health HENH ScheduledBills
Ethanol Production Oversight HEPO Not ScheduledBills
Executive HEXC Not ScheduledBills
Financial Institutions HFIN Not ScheduledBills
Fire Protection HFIR Not ScheduledBills
Gaming HGAM Not ScheduledBills
Health & Healthcare Disparities HHCD Not ScheduledBills
Health Care Availability Access HHCA ScheduledBills
Higher Education HHED Not ScheduledBills
Homeland Security & Emergency PrepaHSEP Not ScheduledBills
Housing and Urban Development HHUD Not ScheduledBills
Human Services HHSV ScheduledBills
Insurance HINS Not ScheduledBills
International Trade & Commerce HITC Not ScheduledBills
Judiciary I - Civil Law HJUA Not ScheduledBills
Judiciary II - Criminal Law HJUB Not ScheduledBills
 - Gang Crimes, Judicary II SubcommittHJUB-HGCR Not ScheduledBills
 - Penalty Enhancements and EnlargemenHJUB-HPEG Not ScheduledBills
Juvenile Justice Reform HJJR Not ScheduledBills
Labor HLBR Not ScheduledBills
Least Cost Power Procurement HPOW Not ScheduledBills
Local Government HLGV Not ScheduledBills
 - Foreclosure, Subcommittee of Local HLGV-FORE Not ScheduledBills
Mass Transit HMAS Not ScheduledBills
 - Regional Equity, Mass Transit SubcoHMAS-REGL Not ScheduledBills
Pension Funds Management HPFM Not ScheduledBills
Personnel & Pensions HPPN ScheduledBills
Prison Reform HPRF Not ScheduledBills
Public Utilities HPUB Not ScheduledBills
Railroad Safety HRRS Not ScheduledBills
Registration & Regulation HREG Not ScheduledBills
Renewable Energy HRNE Not ScheduledBills
Revenue HREV Not ScheduledBills
 - Income Tax, Subcommittee on HREV-ITAX Not ScheduledBills
 - Property Tax, Subcommittee on HREV-PTAX Not ScheduledBills
 - Sales and Other Taxes, SubcommitteeHREV-STAX Not ScheduledBills
Rules                         *ReportsHRUL Not ScheduledBills
Rural Economic Development HRED Not ScheduledBills
Smart Growth & Regional Planning HSGR Not ScheduledBills
Special Investigative Committee HSIC Scheduled 
State Government Administration HSGA Not ScheduledBills
Telecommunications HTEL Not ScheduledBills
Tollway Oversight HTOL Not ScheduledBills
Tourism & Conventions HTOR Not ScheduledBills
Transportation & Motor Vehicles HTRN Not ScheduledBills
Veterans Affairs HVET Not ScheduledBills