Illinois General Assembly

  Live Audio/Video  

House of Representatives - Live Audio/Video     

This page is displayed on days and at times when the House is not in session. The audio/video capabilities are activated when session actually begins. This process may take a few minutes. It may be necessary for you refresh/reload your screen at the Illinois General Assembly home page in order to access the activated link to the audio/video. Remember also that once the media player loads on your PC, you will have another 20-30 seconds of waiting while the data is buffering (depending on the speed of your connection to the Internet).

This live session video/audio broadcast is the property of the Illinois General Assembly. Any use of this broadcast without the prior written consent of the Illinois General Assembly is prohibited.

In accordance with the Legislative Materials Act (25 ILCS 105/1) the proceedings of the 95th General Assembly will be recorded and archived on digital video disc (DVD) by the House Clerk. Copies may be obtained on DVD from the Clerk for a fee. Unauthorized duplication of these recordings is prohibited.

The time of day that session begins on any given session day is established by the House of Representatives. Because this time varies from one day to the next, we do not list the actual time on this page. In addition, the House can and often does delay convening until preliminary activities such as committee hearings are complete.

On the home page you can go to the 'Schedules' link of the House of Representatives and click the 'House Daily Calendar' link. This will give a tentative time that session will begin. Keep in mind that this time can be changed by the House of Representatives. Also be advised that, because it is based on the latest legislative activity, the House does not normally prepare the daily calendar for a given session day until late on the day immediately before.

To find the next scheduled session day, click here

Microsoft Media Player will need to be downloaded for the Live Session Audio and Video/ Audio links. If you do not have Media Player on your computer, please click on Microsoft Windows Media Home button to download it.