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AAAS Logo TRACK: Climate Change and the Environment

Transforming Our Ability to Predict Climate Change and Its Effects

180-Minute Symposium
Saturday, Feb 16, 2008, 1:45 PM - 4:45 PM

This symposium will focus on what the scientific community must do to more accurately understand the physical processes of climate change and predict climate change effects while considering the synergies between impacts of climate change and human response to those impacts. It will clarify the desired decision end points (being able to more accurately predict climate change and its impacts) and focus on the most important uncertainties that need to be addressed in this challenging area to enable those decisions. A highlight will be illuminating the interactions among temporal and geographic scales, and the communications and linkages among models at various scales. Many of the decisions on mitigation and adaptation must be addressed on a local and regional scale, but within the context of global dynamics, both Earth and societal systems. The importance of high performance computational resources to solving this problem will also be addressed. This session will lay out a roadmap for more constructive thinking about the climate change prediction problem.

Organizer: Charlette Geffen, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


About Atmospheric Science and Global Climate Change at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Our mission is to understand the atmospheric processes that drive regional and global earth systems, with a primary focus on climate, aerosol and cloud physics; global and regional scale modeling; integrated assessment; and complex regional meteorology and chemistry.

Our scientists lead and contribute to programs within the Department of Energy, the Department of Homeland Security, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and industry. We contriubte to the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program, the DOE Atmospheric Science Program, the DHS Urban Dispersion Program, and the Global Energy Technology Strategy Program, a public-private international collaboration.

From the role of clouds and aerosol processes in climate change, to the effect of energy technology choices on greenhouse gas emissions, PNNL scientists are combining an extensive world-wide field observational system with laboratory research and modeling to advance our understanding of integrated Earth systems on regional and global scales.

Contact Us

Dr. Charlette Geffen (509) 375-3646
Andrea McMakin (509) 372-6013
Kathryn Lang (509) 375-3837

Interest Areas and Other Contacts:

Atmospheric and global change science

Capabilities and technologies from PNNL


Working with PNNL





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Media Contact

Mary Beckman
(509) 375-3688 office
(509) 531-6595 @AAAS mtg

General Inquiries

Kathryn Lang
(509) 375-3837 office
(509) 521-1863 @AAAS mtg

Dawn Zimmerman
(509) 372-6618 office
(509) 528-6159 @AAAS mtg


Christine Novak