BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Colombia Local time: 12:03 AM

Welcome To The U.S. Commercial Service in Colombia

With offices in more than 80 countries, we offer customized business assistance to U.S. firms, whether new to the market or already established here. Our services can help you assess the market as well as identify and pre-qualify a broad range of business partners. We provide market research on Colombia’s best sectors for American suppliers of equipment, product and services in a variety of industries. Learn more about our ability to assist you by browsing our website.

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Featured Events                        

The second annual Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF) will take place on August 17-19, 2008, in Atlanta.  The forum will provide an opportunity for governments, the business community, and representatives from academia and non-governmental organizations to discuss actions that can be taken to improve competitiveness and economic prosperity in the Americas.  Learn more...

Sec Gutierrez visit to Colombia