GLOBE Bulletin

May 06, 1996:
Russian Minister of Education Greets GLOBE Schools

Dear GLOBE Students!

Let me congratulate all of you on the 26th anniversary of the Earth Day! This Day, which from 1990 became an international holiday, is also known as a "National Parks and Forest Reserves Day." Russia joined the American "Earth Day" Holiday in 1995, as it embraces vast lands of national parks, preserves and reserves and faces a great number of ecological problems. The environment that we share and the nature around us is our common home, and you are the ones that will live in this common home when we are no more there. So, please, take proper care of it so that you are not sorry in the future! In order to take good care of it you have to know it very well. But one person cannot possibly know everything about everything. That is why this program is trying to create a common database that you all could share. We will appreciate your contribution even if a small one!

Evgeny Tkachenko Minister of Education of Russia

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