AARP State Office

AARP Oregon State Office

  • 9200 SE Sunnybrook Blvd
  • Suite 410
  • Clackamas, OR 97015-5762
  • Phone: 1-866-554-5360 (toll-free)
  • Fax: 1-503-652-9933


For Media Calls Only

Sara Wurfel, (503) 513-7367,


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Need Answers About the Economy?

Read the latest about our changing economy and how it affects you at

Economic Stimulus Payments Advisory

Find out before the Oct 15 deadline if you are one of 4.3 million retirees and disabled veterans who may be eligible for an economic stimulus payment.

Historic Opportunity to Fix Health Care in Oregon

Affordable, quality health care for all Oregonians is the goal of the newly created Oregon Health Fund Board and process.

TLC for Caregivers

Find out how you can get help for yourself as you care for others.

Are You Considering Automatically Enrolling Your Employees in Your Company's 401(k)?

It’s a question every company has to answer for itself, but more and more companies are concluding that adopting automatic enrollment is well worth it. Check out a pdf of "The Business Case for 401(k) Automatic Enrollment" to see if it's right for you.