GLOBE Bulletin

March 16, 2000:
Nepal Joins the GLOBE Program!

On Friday, March 3, Nepalese Secretary of Education Jaya Ram Giri and U.S. Ambassador Ralph Frank signed an agreement to initiate the GLOBE program in Nepal at a special ceremony held in the Documentation Hall of the Ministry of Education in Kathmandu. GLOBE in Nepal will be coordinated by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Population and Environment, the U.S Embassy and interested non-government organizations.

In signing the agreement, Secretary Giri noted that participation in GLOBE will help enhance the environmental awareness and scientific understanding among students. Ambassador Frank agreed and added that GLOBE will enable Nepalese students to become working scientists, participating in a worldwide effort to better understand Earth's atmosphere.

"GLOBE is also about understanding our local environment -- in the case of Nepal, the importance of water as a natural resource, how to protect the environment, and the country's natural resources -- and then going beyond that to understand what an interconnected world we live in," said Ambassador Frank. "GLOBE teaches children the skills that are so important to success in the new century."

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