GLOBE Bulletin

December 13, 1999:
Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman Praises GLOBE

Nobel Laureate Dr. Leon Lederman praised GLOBE as the "quintessentially ideal program for involving kids in science" in a November 30, 1999 address to teachers at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois. "GLOBE teaches science content and also the process of science," Dr. Lederman stated. "Facts are important, but the younger students are, the more important learning the process of science is."

Dr. Lederman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1988 for his ground-breaking research on weak interactions among fundamental particles. As the Director Emeritus of Fermilab, he has committed himself to working to improve the quality of pre-college science and mathematics education. His remarks were delivered at the opening of a GLOBE Teacher Training Workshop hosted by Fermilab.

"Science isn't about providing answers as much as it is about asking questions," Dr. Lederman added. "As a hands-on program, GLOBE provides opportunities for teachers and scientists to talk informally with kids and get them to ask questions."

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